Category Archives: Karen’s Killer Fixin’s

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s *Author Special Triple* with Deborah Palumbo



Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.

Introducing author, DEBORAH PALUMBO, and her favorite recipe for SWEET POTATO & CARAMELIZED APPLES CASSEROLE!


  About the author, Deborah Palumbo….

First let me say this is really exciting, being here again on your wonderful blog, sharing my books with you and a favorite recipe!!

I’m a self-pubbed fiction author now but I began as a young gal who from age 7 through 18 wrote poems for God, but I always wanted to write novels; it was something innate. That dream however, didn’t happen until I was unfortunately stricken with a debilitating illness; as a result, I have 9 novels published on Amazon and many more are sitting in my file waiting to be dusted off!

I spin yarns in several genres, available as ebooks and paperback: Paranormal…laced with mystery and romance, historical, and mystery/crime…you know who dunnit with frustrated detectives who are hot on the trail of some killer. The one element they all have in common is they are all mystery based.

I also co-wrote a screenplay with actor/writer Jordan Rhodes. I loved the experience immensely, but writing novels is still much preferred.

Okay so now that we’ve gotten my humble bio out of the way, we’re ready for the meat and potatoes.

You know, this was a difficult decision for me deciding which of my mystery/crime novels to spotlight, ( last time I discussed my vampire series The Undeparted) so I decided to do a little blurb about all three, but mainly focus on my crime noir with a vintage detective, When the Temperature Rises. I realize crime noir requires certain taste buds, but I just happen to love the Detective McAllister series… Book 2 is a WIP by the way….and hope you guys feel the same way!



Before I take you for a spin in Detective Humphrey McAllister’s 1941 black Ford Sedan right up to the crime scene of Sam Santino’s murder, I want to explain some things to you about Humphrey.

Humphrey was constantly skirt chasing; blonde dames were like magnets and he had absolutely no self control. His other device was consuming too much of the funny water. Yeah, yeah he shook those nasty habits like dance hall girls doing the hoochie coochie, but it’s hard to prove you’ve got your act together. Pot bellied Captain Milroy has lost all faith in his Detective and reluctantly turns over the Santino case to Humph. Humph has 48 hours to solve it or he’s gonna be demoted from homicide to following bed jumpers at sleazy motels.

Let’s fast forward just a bit shall we. Santino got himself whacked pretty good. He’s shot up full of bullet holes so that he looks like a damn piece of swiss cheese. He’s alive when Humphrey arrives, barely alive; Humphrey dials the emergency wagon for poor Sam, but Sam expires before the wagon arrives. Before his unfortunate demise though he tries to convey some kind of message to Humphrey, but he has too much lead in him to complete a sentence. There might be a clue though but Humphrey can’t decipher it.

So, Humphrey sweeps the apartment for tangible clues and one clue leads to another and takes Humphrey on a journey to some pretty interesting people on his list; some are voluptuous blonde dames that attract the Detective like magnets, others are boxers who could lay Humphrey out with one right hook. But the most interesting suspect comes right out of left field like some fly ball: Roberta, Humphrey’s ex wife.

Now what you have to understand about Humphrey is he’s still carrying a torch for Roberta, so hauling her in is the last thing he wants to do. In fact, Humphrey’s thinking he’ll see ice skating in hell before he slaps handcuffs on her.

So anyway, he pulls up to Roberta’s quaint rancher with the green shutters and wants to see if he can shake that feeling about her guilt, but when Ro’s cat Tuna gets out of the house and dashes into the bushes, Humphrey does the gentlemanly thing and scoots down through the bushes to save Tuna. That’s when Humphrey gets the shock of his life!

Now I can’t tell you bupkis about what happened for obvious reasons. Whether or not he slaps a steel bracelet on his ex and hauls her off or not or let’s her walk into the sunset….well, you’ll have to read the novel WHEN THE TEMPERATURE RISES to find out!

If you do I sure hope you enjoy it!

Here is one of my favorite quotes from the book: “So you wanna make the bedsprings bounce?”



June eleventh 1948

All right, so he wasn’t the brightest bulb down at headquarters, and so what if his specialty was peeking between the sheets and not those fancy crimes of murder and mayhem. A crime was a crime and sheet hopping was illegal, well, when money was exchanged that is. And another thing, a man should have a second chance; he has the right to redeem himself, especially when he hasn’t had a drop of the fancy water in two years and wasn’t doll dizzy anymore. That irrepressible soft spot for the dames, well, it was repressible after all. Too bad his wife wasn’t around to congratulate him. Besides, Humphrey McAllister had his good points. He was an eager beaver, had a lot to prove, could be a class A detective only if; only if he stays sober and keeps his pants zipped up that is; so the Captain really should stop busting his chops and cut old Humphrey a break. Humph was working hard on his deficiencies. He was determined to prove he had what it takes to make it in homicide.


BOOK PEEK 2 ~  THE DOCTORS by Deborah Palumbo

The FBI agent, Donald P. Cobbs who wears big Stetsons and lizard boots in god awful colors can’t believe his ears. It’s the third informant from his case that died in some kind of freak accident. Now he’s gotta wait for another green horn fresh out of residency to be hired by Lanny Loch and Richard Pathroff and hope the new guy on the block will be his newest informer. Or victim? Hence Adam J. Frye.

Adam and his wife Maggie think the hard days of med school and residency are behind them; the money will start rolling in, life will be smooth working for Doctors Loch and Pathroff, but their dreams are shattered when some cowboy FBI agent pays them a visit informing Adam that his life is in grave danger. He’s the fourth associate of Loch and Pathroff. The other three are dead. As doornails.

It isn’t long after Cobbs’ visit that Adam gets suspicious over the sudden deaths of some of his healthy patients. The straw that breaks the camel’s back is a young woman who comes to Frye with suspicions of her father’s untimely death and asks him to “check things out.” That’s when Adam decides to help the FBI. He and Maggie uncover a diabolical scheme that involves the mob.

Adam having aroused suspicion unknowingly by one of the mob’s key players, is on their watch list. Suddenly the tables turn on Adam when he’s set up on his own wire. He’s guilty in everybody’s eyes. He’s got to prove his innocence to the FBI, and he’s got to do this before he’s either thrown in jail or killed by the mob; made fish bait like the last unsuspecting associate. He can’t make an error, it’s life or death.

THE DOCTORS by Deborah Palumbo


His brain was numb. Who could be ringing his doorbell at 3:30 in the morning? He decided to ignore it and stay in bed, but the bell was persistent. It could be a neighbor in distress. Should he get involved? It could be some juvenile delinquent playing a prank. Come to think of it, neighbors had been complaining about the element in the neighborhood lately, delinquent kids playing jokes that weren’t so funny, like spray painting cars and breaking windows. People didn’t have enough money to buy themselves groceries let alone get a new paint job for their cars or repair broken windows. Things were tough on some of those Philadelphia streets.

The doorbell buzzed over and over again. It got on Jim’s nerves and his sleepy disposition succumbed to anger. Those nasty brats needed a good lesson and he was just the guy to give it to them too. A reformed delinquent himself, he knew how to handle punks, the kind he once was. He flung the blue swirled cover off of himself, the warmth of it gone; he was in black boxers and was bare chested with a myriad of ugly blue tattoos from those days in the gang. He stepped out of bed, grabbed the trousers he had worn only hours before, they were flung over a flea market chair next to an old bureau loaded with dust, and pulled them up around his thirty two inch waist. His wallet fell out of the pocket; he picked it up and stuffed it back in. He pulled the hoodie over his dark hair, stepped right into his carefully placed slippers by the side of his bed and shuffled to the door. He hit the intercom like a fool, knowing darn well nobody would answer him, which they didn’t. He looked out of the peephole into the hallway; the light was out so he couldn’t see anyone or anything in the inky dark. If he didn’t put an end to it then and there, scare the shit out of those numbskulls, they’d be back again, waking him up out of a sound sleep the next night. He knew they were getting off waking people up in the middle of the night. It had to end before it became habitual. But he’d have to go chase them down the flight of stairs; no doubt they ran faster than he did. Still, he had a few good sprints left in him. Besides, he was already awake, so the decision was made.


BOOK PEEK 3 ~  EDGE OF DARKNESS by Deborah Palumbo

“Edge of darkness is a taut suspenseful Detective thriller laced with humor that reminds one of the wit displayed by the character of Lenny from Law & Order. It’s an interesting read that would easily translate to film as it conveys visuals to the reader. For every Mickey Spillane fan out there – Mickey’s back – only he’s a female and her name is Deborah Palumbo” … JORDAN RHODES Actor/writer

BLURB:  I’m not sure who I feel more sorry for: Alicia or Lieutenant Navarro. Alicia just lost her fiance to the hands of a vicious killer and is now being stalked by the same maniac who killed her boyfriend. She’s petrified because she knows he’s coming close and is determined to get her. Problem is, Lieutenant Navarro who is earnestly trying to protect her and solve the case is being accused by Alicia of being the killer. Everything sort of snowballs out of control for Navarro and suddenly he finds himself engulfed in circumstantial evidence that sure makes it seem that he is the cold blooded murderer.

He’s got to catch the killer now not only to keep Alicia and others safe but to prove his innocence.

But all he’s got is gut instinct. He’s got absolutely no proof, no evidence, no clues; not even the circumstantial garbage the DA loves to throw away in the trash.

One thing, a little hint: People aren’t what they seem.








I hope you enjoy the recipe Deborah is sharing with us today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 68 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


 A NOTE FROM DEBBIE: YUMMY RECIPE, my very own concoction!


Two large sweet potatoes
Two red delicious apples
Couple of tablespoons of butter, or as needed
1/3 to 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt

Peel potatoes and slice in rounds. Place a single layer in buttered baking dish (8×8) and top with a layer of peeled, cored and sliced apple. Drop a dollop of butter over top and sprinkle sugar/cinnamon/salt mixture. Repeat the steps until all gone. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes to 1 hour.

For variety you may add raisins and caramelized onion to layers….it’s all scrumptious!

Serve this as a side dish with ham or beef, or with lunch. I suggest a provolone grilled cheese on seven grain bread with hot and sweet mustard. The sweet potato and caramelized apple casserole is a delicious side with a grilled provolone sandwich.


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Fudge Truffle Cheesecake

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy. It might be a main course recipe. A cookie or baked item. Candy. Salads. Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is a *Double Feature*  FUDGE TRUFFLE CHEESECAKE in CHOCOLATE CRUMB CRUST!!

It’s no big news to anyone who knows me that I can pass up cake and pies…for the most part. 🙂 But, stick a cheesecake under my nose and I’m in Nirvana. I haven’t met a cheesecake I didn’t like.  Add fudge and truffle in the title and I’m so there!! This cheesecake is rich and decadent and…okay, I am a writer and there aren’t enough words. You have to taste it and just experience the magic!

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 67 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


[9-inch cheesecake]


Chocolate Crumb Crust   (recipe below)

2 cups (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips

3 pkgs. (8 oz. each) cream cheese, softened

1 can sweetened condensed milk (NOT evaporated milk)

4 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla

Heat oven to 300 degrees.  Prepare Chocolate Crumb Crust; set aside.  In heavy saucepan, over very low heat, melt chips, stirring constantly.  In large mixer bowl, beat cheese until fluffy.  Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk until smooth.  Add melted chocolate chips and remaining ingredients; mix well.  Pour into prepared pan.  Bake 1 hour and 5 minutes or until center is set.  Cool; chill.  Refrigerate leftovers.

[For Fudge Truffle Cheesecake]

In medium bowl, combine 1 ½ cups vanilla wafer crumbs, ½ cup powdered sugar, 1/3 cup cocoa and 1/3 cup melted butter or margarine.  Press firmly on bottom of 9-inch springform pan.

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s *Author Special* with Terri L. Austin


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with TERRI L. AUSTIN

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.

Introducing author, TERRI L. AUSTIN, and her favorite recipe for PUMPKIN BREAD!



Henery Press
978 1938383083
Released December 3, 2012

Rose Strickland is having a blue Christmas. Her friend is arrested for attempted murder, her sexy bad guy crush is marked by a hit man, and her boss is locked in an epic smackdown with a rival diner. Determined to save those she loves, Rose embarks on an investigation more tangled than a box of last year’s tree lights. With her eclectic gang at the ready, Rose stumbles across dead bodies, ex-cons, jilted lovers, and a gaggle of strippers as she searches for the truth. What she finds will leave her entrenched in a battle for freedom she might not survive.


  About the author, Terri L. Austin….

Terri L. Austin lives in Missouri with her funny, handsome husband and a high maintenance peekapoo.  She’s the author of Diners, Dives and Dead Ends—a Rose Strickland Mystery.  “Austin’s debut kicks off her planned series by introducing a quirky, feisty heroine and a great supporting cast of characters and putting them through quite a number of interesting twists.” Kirkus Reviews

She loves to hear from readers and you can finder her on Twitter, FB, Goodreads,, and Henery Press. Terri and some of her writer friends have a Wednesday book chat on Little Read Hens. Stop by and join the conversation.




There are some absolutes in this life that are irrefutable. If you leave the house looking like crap, you’ll see someone you know, usually an ex-boyfriend. If you’re running late for an appointment, you’ll hit every red light on the way. And a three a.m. phone call is never good news. Either someone’s dead, in the hospital, or you’re a drunken booty call. But that Saturday morning, I discovered another reason to avoid the ringing harbinger of bad news.

“’ello,” I answered, my eyes still closed.

“Rose, I’m in jail, girl.”

I sniffed and sat up on my futon. “Janelle?”

“Of course it’s Janelle. They think I tried to kill Asshat.”

Scrubbing a hand over my eyes, I glanced at the clock. “Asshat?”

Janelle lowered her voice. “Rose, wake up and listen. I’m in jail, Asshat’s in a coma, and they’re saying I tried to kill him. I need help.”

Her dilemma finally penetrated my sleep-fogged brain. “Oh my God. Where are the kids?” Janelle had two, Damon, nine, and Sherise, seven. Both so cute you wanted to pinch their little cheeks. But I wouldn’t recommend it—that Sherise was a biter.

“They’re staying with my cousin, Sondra. But I got to get out of here. If they think I’m spending Christmas in jail then I’m Halle Damn Berry.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Call that fancy lawyer you know. He’ll figure it out.”

Dane Harker. “I’ll call him and come see you in the morning. Will they let me bring you anything?”

“Cigarettes and toiletries. These bitches trade everything for cigarettes. And Rose? Thanks.”


Connect with Terri L. Austin & her books:




Henery Press

Terri and some of her writer friends have a Wednesday book chat on Little Read Hens




I hope you enjoy the recipe Terri is sharing with us today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 66 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


A Note from Terri: Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the changing leaves, the hint of wood smoke in the air, and pumpkins. I make this delicious bread whenever my kids are home from college. The spicy pumpkin smell fills the house and makes me happy. I’ve adapted this recipe from Gifts of Good Taste published by Leisure Arts in 1989.

[Makes 2 loaves]

3 ½ cups all-purpose flour (I use whole wheat pastry flour and it works beautifully)
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 ½ cups sugar
1 ½ cups brown sugar
½ cup vegetable oil
¾ cup sour cream
4 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups pumpkin
2/3 cup water
1 ½ cups chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In large mixing bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt, spices, and sugars. Add oil, sour cream, eggs, pumpkin, and water. Combine until well blended. Stir in pecans. Lightly grease two 9x5x3 inch loaf pans. Pour batter into pans and bake 1 hour or until toothpick inserted into the middle of the loaf comes out clean. Remove from oven and cool before removing from pans. Enjoy!


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s *Author Special* with Cathy Perkins


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with CATHY PERKINS

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.

Introducing author, CATHY PERKINS, and her favorite recipe for SMOKEY SPICE WINTER SQUASH SOUP!


BOOK PEEK ~   HONOR CODE by Cathy Perkins

With HONOR CODE, award-winning author Cathy Perkins delivers a mystery NOVELLA linked to her recent mystery novel, THE PROFESSOR.

In a small southern town where everyone knows each other’s business, veteran detective Larry Robbins must solve the disappearance of eighty-year-old widower George Beason.

When evidence arises that Beason may have left town on his own, it would be easy for Robbins to close the case, but his gut instinct tells him more’s at stake. As he uncovers clues about Beason’s deceased wife and his estranged daughter, Robbins must untangle conflicting motives and hidden agendas to bring Beason home alive.

  About the author, Cathy Perkins….

Cathy Perkins’ suspense writing lurks behind a financial day-job, where she learned firsthand the camouflage, hide in plain sight, skills employed by her villains. Born and raised in South Carolina, the setting for HONOR CODE and THE PROFESSOR, she now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her work-a-holic husband and a 75-pound Lab who thinks she’s still a lap-puppy. You can learn more on her website

Connect with Cathy Perkins & her books:



I hope you enjoy the recipe Cathy is sharing with us today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 65 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


A Note From Cathy: Are you deep into NaNo, looking for a simple meal (time saver with the holidays right around the corner) or a hearty winter soup? Smokey Winter Squash Soup gives you all the above – and flexibility depending on what’s in your cupboard. My kids love this soup (a way to get vegetables into them!) and I love being able to toss everything into the cooker in the morning and know dinner’s taken care of for the day.

[Makes 8 generous servings]

1 medium sized winter squash (~2 – 3 pounds)
4 cups chicken stock
Red pepper – use 3 – 5 if using prepared roasted ones or 1 large fresh one
Garlic – 4 cloves minced or 3 Tbs prepared
1 large onion
¼ tsp ginger, minced (or ½ tsp ground)
½ cup peanut butter
1 can garbanzo beans (or substitute Great Northern or any white bean you prefer)
¼ tsp Chipotle pepper (this is where the ‘smokey’ comes from; substitute red pepper if you prefer)
Pinch cardamom (substitute ¼ tsp cloves or nutmeg)
¼ – ½ tsp mustard (I’ve actually substituted Dijon mustard here)
½ tsp cumin

Chop up the winter squash and either roast for 20 minutes or microwave 5 minutes. Allow to cool, then peel and place in soup pot or slow cooker

Add chicken stock and remaining ingredients. Cook low and slow until everything is tender. I set me slow cooker for 4 hours and check to see if the squash is tender. Add time as needed – don’t worry about overcooking, it just gets better the longer the soup ingredients have to mingle. Taste and add seasonings if desired.

Blend until smooth. (I use an immersion blender but a hand mixer or the old standby blender work as well)

Serve with crusty bread and a green salad.   8 generous servings


**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  Cathy will give away one copy of HONOR CODE to one lucky reader!!  Comment on her Karen’s Killer Fixin’s *Author Special* blog for a chance to win.  Winner will be randomly selected and announced Monday, November 19, 2012.  Thanks, Cathy, for sharing your story with us!


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Pork Roast with Garlic & Herbs

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy. It might be a main course recipe. A cookie or baked item. Candy. Salads. Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is PORK ROAST with GARLIC & HERBS!!

There’s nothing more satisfying than a pork roast dinner in the fall and winter months. Pork and garlic are so delicious together.  Add rosemary and thyme, and you’ve got yourself a savory mouthful.  🙂  Try this recipe and see if you don’t agree.

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 64 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


[Serves 7]

1 ¾ lb. lean, boneless pork loin roast
1 tsp. whole thyme
1 tsp. pepper
6 cloves garlic, minced
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. crushed whole rosemary

cooking spray

Trim fat from roast.  Combine garlic, rosemary, thyme, pepper and salt in small bowl. Mash into paste.  Rub garlic paste over surface of roast.  Tie roast securely with string, 2-3” intervals.  Place on a rack coated with spray and place rack in shallow roasting pan.  Insert meat thermometer into thickest portion.  Bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour or until thermometer registers 160 degrees.  Let stand 10 minutes.  Remove string and cut into thin slices.

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** with Deborah Palumbo


  Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with DEBORAH PALUMBO

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of his favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.



BOOK PEEK ~   THE BANISHED ONE by Deborah Palumbo

The Banished One, a serial killer vampire also named Lucius, is still wreaking havoc on the sleepy town in Tower City, and since he’s supernatural he can’t be captured by normal police procedure . A frustrated Lieutenant Welby, a staunch disbeliever in vampires is finally convinced he’s got a serial killer vampire on the loose and follows the old town rumors about vampires right to Quentin and his gothic castle to enlist Quentin’s supernatural aid in capturing Lucius. The question is, will Quentin make the Lieutenant one of The Undeparted, or will he battle Lucius and send him to hell?


  About the author, Deborah Palumbo….

I’m a self-pubbed author spinning yarns in two genres available in ebook and paperback on amazon…historical and paranormal laced with mystery and sometime spice…and Mystery/crime; you know, who dunnit with frustrated detectives who are hot on the trail of some killer.

I also co-wrote a screenplay with the acclaimed actor/writer Jordan Rhodes.

I was honored to have caught Jordan’s attention with my mystery crime novel EDGE OF DARKNESS, hence his invitation to co-write with him. He wrote a review of me and my novel I’d love to share with you if you don’t mind a little bragging:

“Edge of darkness is a taut suspenseful Detective thriller laced with humor that reminds one of the wit displayed by the character of Lenny from Law & Order. It’s an interesting read that would easily translate to film as it conveys visuals to the reader. For every Mickey Spillane fan out there – Mickey’s back – only he’s a female and her name is Deborah Palumbo.”   ~ Jordan Rhodes Actor/writer ~

I wish I could say that I write these tales of love and murder and mayhem behind an antique desk, but the fact is I write in my king bed with my pillows scrunched up behind me! I began this whole writing journey when I became bedridden and homebound. Talk about fate. I had always wanted to write novels, since I was a kid, but it took a period of long confinement to bring about that dream.


THE BANISHED ONE by Deborah Palumbo


Suddenly a chemical shot through Lucius while he was watching that sexy female, similar to a feeling when he was mortal and checking out a hot babe. But this desire in his vampire state was more intense, almost electrified and mingled with this lustful craving for blood. He had to drink from her neck; taste her life’s essence, and he had to get laid. There was no fighting it, no self-control. He was accustomed to indulging every desire, no matter if they were spontaneous eruptions from some surging chemical, or a well-planned rendezvous.


Connect with Deborah Palumbo & her books:






Join up and borrow and all of DEBORAH PALUMBO books for FREE! via @amazon

I hope you enjoy the recipe Deborah is sharing with us today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 63 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.



Here’s a wonderful Autumn recipe for everyone!  How about some pumpkin pancakes with caramelized bananas with cinnamon whipped cream to go with your cup of java? Does that sound scrumptious or what!

Pumpkin Pancakes:

  • 1 cup pastry flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/16 teaspoon cloves
  • 1/16 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/16 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup half-and-half
  • 1-ounce melted butter
  • 4 egg whites, whipped to soft peak
  • 2 tablespoon vegetable oil

Caramelized Bananas:

  • 4 bananas, cut in half lengthwise
  • 2 ounces butter
  • 4 tablespoons sugar

Cinnamon Whipped Cream:

  • 4 ounces whipped cream
  • Cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

To make pancakes, sift together all of the dry ingredients. In a bowl, combine the puree, whole eggs, and the half-and-half. Add the flour mixture and stir, being careful not to over mix the batter. Finish with the melted butter. Gently fold in 1/2 the egg whites to loosen the batter and when the whites are nearly incorporated, fold in the remaining egg whites.

Heat the griddle to medium heat. Drizzle enough vegetable oil to prevent sticking and spoon batter onto griddle, spreading them with the back of the spoon. When pancakes are golden brown, flip to finish cooking.

Cut the bananas in 1/2 lengthwise. Heat a saute pan to medium and melt the butter and sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves and begins to caramelize. Add the bananas and toss to coat.

To prepare the whipped cream, whisk the cream, cinnamon, and sugar in a bowl until it holds a stiff peak.

To serve, stack the pancakes on each plate. Spoon syrup over the pancakes, top with the caramelized bananas and a dollop of cinnamon whipped cream.


I want to thank you Karen for your gracious hospitality here on your blog! I had a great time and look forward to being friends.

Deborah Palumbo

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** with Mark Nesbitt

  Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with MARK NESBITT

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of his favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.

Introducing author, MARK NESBITT, and his favorite recipe for PEACH LIGHTNING, shared with him by a ghost!



  • Riveting ghost stories with history from all the major engagements of the war, including Manassas, Shiloh, antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Petersburg and Appomattox.
  • Chilling accounts from wartime capitals of Richmond and Washington, DC, and haunted Civil War prisons at Johnson’s Island, Point Lookout, and Andersonville.
  • Field investigations with witnesses and EVP recordings.


 About the author, Mark Nesbitt….

Mark Nesbitt was a National Park Service Ranger/Historian for five years at Gettysburg before starting his own research and writing company. Since then he has published over fifteen books including the popular Ghosts of Gettysburg series and newly released Civil War Ghost Trails. For his most recent ebook, Blood & Ghosts, his co-author was Katherine Ramsland, an expert in the field of forensics and serial killers. Mark’s stories have been seen on The History Channel, A&E, The Discovery Channel, The Travel Channel, Unsolved Mysteries, and numerous regional television shows and heard on Coast to Coast AM, and regional radio. In 1994, he created the commercially successful Ghosts of GettysburgCandlelight Walking Tours® and in 2006, the Ghosts of Fredericksburg Tours.




Why would ghosts be associated with the Civil War? Like most wars, the Civil War began with naïve expectations of a quick victory—on both sides. Men enlisted for ninety days and prayed that the war wouldn’t end before their enlistment. Parties and celebrations sent young men off to glorious war, and girlfriends could not really be serious when they told their beaux to bring home their uniforms without any holes in them.

Tragically, after four years, nearly 850,000 of those young men would never come home. Half of that number would die wasted from disease. Hundreds of thousands more would return missing a limb. These figures, however, are slightly misleading. America in the nineteenth century had less than one-tenth the population it does today. So we need to multiply those figures by ten to get the same impact they would have today. Imagine if, in just four years of war today, America lost more than 8 million young men and millions more came home missing an arm or leg or both. The outcry would be overwhelming.


Connect with Mark Nesbitt & Civil War Ghost Trails:

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s, as well as the recipe Mark is sharing with us today.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 62 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


Note from author, Mark Nesbitt: Thanks to Sarge, a resident ghost at the Cashtown Inn, Pennsylvania, for sharing this recipe when told we had a bottle of Virginia White Lightning. For those folks who are wondering, White Lightning is actually legal moonshine that you can buy in the liquor stores. The illegal version would make the recipe much more fun and might be what my ghost Sarge actually used, but we’ll stick with the legal version! 🙂



* Muddle 1/2 peach in the bottom of an Old-Fashioned glass
Add crushed ice
Top off with White Lightning



* One type of bartender’s tool is a “muddler” which is used like a pestle to mash the fruit in the bottom of the glass.

**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  Mark will give away an ebook copy of BLOOD & GHOSTS, which he co-authored with Katherine Ramsland (this week’s Karen’s Killer Book Bench author, check Monday & Wednesday blogs for more about Katherine)  to one reader who comments on today’s Karen’s Killer Fixin’s blog.  Winner will be randomly selected and announced Monday.  Thanks, Mark, for sharing your story, and favorite recipe, with us!

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Bean with Bacon Soup

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy. It might be a main course recipe. A cookie or baked item. Candy. Salads. Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is BEAN WITH BACON SOUP!!

My absolute favorite Campbell’s soup growing up was bean with bacon.  I spent some time trying to reproduce the flavor from scratch and finally came up with this final recipe.  Yes.  It includes a LOT of bacon but then, anything with bacon, is enhanced with MORE! 🙂  If you’re watching your diet, just give yourself a treat once in a while. You won’t be sorry!

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 61 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


[Serves 6]

1 bag white beans
1 tsp. thyme
1½ tsp. crushed garlic
½ lb. raw, chopped bacon
2 carrots, chopped
2 cups tomato juice **
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 tsp. liquid smoke
1 onion, chopped
2 tsp. salt
2 T. brown sugar

In crock pot, soak white beans overnight in water 2 inches over top of beans.  In morning, add enough water to recover beans back to 3 inches above.  Add rest of ingredients and cook in crock pot all day.

*  Recommend making this soup first time with you at home to make sure beans don’t absorb all of the water and burn.  Have made this one all over the country, and differing altitudes and moisture levels do affect results.

**  If tomato juice is unavailable, you can replace 2 cups of tomato juice with 2 small cans of tomato paste and 2 cups water.

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Pumpkin Pie ~ Made with Fresh Pumpkin

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy. It might be a main course recipe. A cookie or baked item. Candy. Salads. Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is PUMPKIN PIE ~ MADE WITH FRESH PUMPKIN. A Double Feature Recipe!!

This week’s recipes are courtesy of a request by a friend of mine. We were talking about her abundance of pumpkins and what to do with them all. I suggested preparing them for freezing for fresh pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, which reminded me that it was time to share this recipe.  The first time I made my family homemade pumpkin pie with fresh pumpkin, they put a moratorium on ANY canned pumpkin. It’s that fresh and that tasty! We like the lighter touch on spices, too. 

With the deluge of pumpkins on the market this month, it makes good sense to get your pumpkins now and freeze it so all you have to do is thaw it in November for your pies. The first recipe below tells you how to prepare and freeze the pumpkin (easy peasy) and the second recipe is how to make the BEST, freshest pumpkin pie you’ve ever had. I’ve even had people who hate pumpkin pie like this one. I’ve found happy holidays can be truly happy, even for the cook, with some advanced planning. 🙂

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 60 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.



Small pumpkins are best for flavor and texture and ease of preparation, however, larger pumpkins can also be used. MUST USE whole, fresh pumpkins, not those used as Jack O’Lanterns!!

Cut pumpkin in half (thirds if larger) and scoop out all seeds and debris.  (Set seeds aside if desired to make baked pumpkin seeds.)  Leaving rind on, place cut side down on cookie sheet or pan large enough to accommodate pumpkin halves.  Bake in 275 degree oven 45-60 minutes until pumpkin meat is fork tender.

NOTE:  After 60 minutes, if pumpkin is not quite tender, check in 10 minute increments.  There might be a bit of browning juice in bottom but that’s okay as long as it doesn’t burn.

When pumpkin is tender, remove from oven and let cool enough so it can be handled.  Scoop the tender pumpkin into a ricer or food processor (even a blender can work in a pinch if you don’t mind stopping to push down pulp until smooth, a bit time-consuming though) and process until texture is smooth.

When pumpkin meat is completely cooled, spoon into ziplock freezer bags and mark with the date processed.  Freeze flat for easier stacking.  Thaw completely before use.

NOTE:  Use processed pumpkin in pumpkin pies, cookies, and desserts as needed.  Be aware that fresh pumpkin retains more moisture than canned pumpkin and adjust your recipes accordingly.  If you wish to freeze pumpkin for future pies, recommend freezing in five-cup increments.  That way you’ll have exactly enough fresh pumpkin for the two pies in next recipe.  Then, all you need to do is thaw one package.


[Two 9-inch deep-dish pies]


2 uncooked 9-inch piecrusts
1 large can pumpkin OR 5 cups fresh (thawed) pumpkin (see 1st recipe)
2 T. flour
1-1/2 cup packed brown sugar
½ tsp. ginger
½ tsp. nutmeg
¼ tsp. salt
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 can evaporated milk (NOT sweetened condensed milk)
2 large eggs (add last!)

SPECIAL NOTE:  Recipe above is for a fresh tasting pumpkin pie using canned pumpkin.  If using fresh pumpkin, increase flour to 3 T. and use 3 eggs.

Make two 9-inch, deep-dish piecrusts, either from scratch or use ready made (there are generally two in a pack in your grocery freezer section, NOT graham cracker crumb piecrust!).  Set aside.

In large bowl, beat together rest of ingredients until smooth and thoroughly mixed.  Pour into uncooked piecrusts, spreading evenly between pie shells.  Do not overfill—extra pumpkin can be poured into small, oven-proof bowls and cooked separately as a custard.  (Great for those who don’t want crust!)  Bake in 400 degree oven, 10-15 minutes. Then, turn down heat to 350 degrees for 45 minutes until middle is set.

NOTE:  May need to cook longer to set when using fresh pumpkin.  Check in ten-minute increments after 45 minutes.  Cool on racks and serve.  If not serving immediately, cool, and then place (covered with plastic wrap) in refrigerator.  Serve with whipped cream.

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** with Sharon Clare


  Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with SHARON CLARE

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of his favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.

Introducing author, SHARON CLARE, and her favorite recipe for CURRY GLAZED CARROTS!


BOOK PEEK ~  Love of Her Lives by Sharon Clare

Calum and Beth are soul mates who have lived many lives together until Beth decides to live a life on her own. Left behind in the Upper World, Calum sees a wrongful imprisonment in her future, so he bargains with Finn, an elven trickster to return to Earth, rescue Beth and reclaim her heart. Unfamiliar with the twenty-first century, he must determine who plots against Beth while playing Finn’s passion-provoking game.

Beth has no recollection of their lives together and didn’t ask this sexually-charged stranger to come to her aid. She is horrified to find her house ransacked and her life threatened. With a secret to keep, she takes the greatest risk of all—trusting Calum. Her life soon depends upon re-evaluating everything she thought normal. Their eternal bond will only be saved if Beth can rescue the man who spanned worlds to rescue her.


 About the author, Sharon Clare….

Sharon Clare lives in Ontario with her husband and three wonderful grown-up kids who come and go from the nest. She fell in love with writing at the University of Toronto where she graduated with a science degree in psychology and professional writing. She writes paranormal romance and has published short stories, art reviews, newsletter and magazine articles. Her favourite place to write is outside under the maple trees beside the trickling pond and blooming lilies.




If the best way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, then tiramisu may just be the best way out of a man’s heart, or so Beth Stewart hoped. She needed all the help she could get. Breaking up with Matthew required tact and diplomacy. Her financial security depended on them remaining friends.

She stood at her kitchen counter, bent over a shopping list, considering the perfect break–up meal. He loved her sweet potato coconut soup, one of the few things about her he’d not tried to improve. Since it was vital they continued to work together amiably until their investment house in Belize sold, she would butter up his palate to ease the breakup.

Matthew, you deserve a woman who is crazy over you … Or one who didn’t see his endless suggestions as a need to control. Was that a good way to start the break–up conversation? Should she wait till dessert?

And what else to serve? Nothing that sparked romance, no chocolate–dipped strawberries tonight. Perhaps tiramisu was too decadent. Perhaps an old–fashioned apple pie to bring thoughts of support, community, the golden rule? Or was she reaching with that?

She should serve something to ensure Matthew left the house after dinner. Baked beans?

She chuckled as she approached her garden shed. A heaping plate of Rocky Mountain oysters would have him running for the curb before dinner. How do you prefer your bull’s testicles, Matthew? Rare? Well done? Roasted in their sac?


Connect with Sharon Clare & Love of Her Lives

For more Love of Her Lives please visit

Love of Her Lives is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Google Play (for epub file) and wherever ebooks are sold.

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s, as well as the recipe Sharon is sharing with us today.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 58 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


Note from author, Sharon Clare:  Recipe comes from one of the best cooks I know, Barbara Urbain.



12 carrots
2 tbsp. butter
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp. chopped or grated ginger root
1-1/2 tsp. curry powder
1-1/2 cups chicken stock
2 tbsp. honey

Peel carrots, cut into 1/4 inch slices. In a deep skillet, heat butter, garlic, and ginger root over medium heat for 1 minute. Add curry powder and cook for 30 seconds, stirring. Add carrots, stock and honey. Cook until liquid evaporates and carrots are tender and glazed. About 20-30 minutes.

Bon appétit!

**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  Sharon will give away an electronic copy of LOVE OF HER LIVES to one reader who comments on today’s Karen’s Killer Fixin’s blog.  Winner will be randomly selected and announced Monday.  Thanks, Sharon, for sharing your story, and favorite recipe, with us!