Ready, set, go! Launching my full-day workshop, The “W” Plot…Or The Other White Meat for Plotters for the River City Romance Writers in Millington, Tennessee. [April 8-10, 2011]
Everyone’s hard at work…well, almost everyone. Watch out – Ellen’s got that ornery look in her eye!
Jodi finds a comfy place to uncover those pesky character goals.
Stacey escapes to the porch to brainstorm scenes for her novel.
Lunch break! Only one of the wonderful buffets provided to us over the weekend.
Working out character structures. A few escape to the veranda.
DeeDee & Jodi find a pleasant spot on the veranda to build their character “Ws.”
Workshop winds down. Tea time!
~ Never judge a book by its movie. ~
J.W. Eagan