
The “W” Plot…or The Other White Meat for Plotters ©

A Plotting Workshop
By Bestselling Author, Karen/K.L. Docter

One of the staples of any writers group conversations is the plot. It’s integral to every novel, holds everything together. It’s the vehicle that carries readers from page one to “The End”. It’s one of the scariest things an author faces when s/he decides, hey, I want to write a novel!

How many of us have made this decision, then stared at that blank page or computer screen without a clue how to proceed? What about those of us who write by the seat of our pants, the pantsers? Do we dare risk scaring off our muse by [shudder] plotting our story? How do the mega-plotters, the overachievers, know when it’s time to stop and just put pen to paper?

Join four-time Golden Heart® finalist and Daphne du Maurier winner Karen Docter as she shares the “W” plotting technique she’s used successfully for years.

Karen analyzes the movie “Romancing the Stone” to show how the technique works, discussing the detailed plot points for the main characters including the villain. Throughout this workshop, you’ll uncover the skeleton of your own novel. Whatever your genre, not only will you have the tools you need to finish plotting your story using the “W”, you’ll know how to use it to write the synopsis we all love to hate…all without writing one word of the novel.

If you’ve already started your novel, that’s okay. It’s never too late to apply the principles of the “W” to your developing story. Have you run into a wall? Don’t know where to go next? Has the story gone flat? Use the technique to pull apart the elements of your story so you can plug the holes, work through/over/around walls that loom in your path, and get moving on your story once again.

This is a hands-on-your-own-book workshop designed for the novice or the experienced writer.

· For Appearance, please go to NEWS. Paypal button is available below for Karen’s complete Online Lectures.

· If you’re interested in sponsoring this workshop, in person, please contact Karen Docter at [Requirements for personal appearance: Overhead projector/LCD screen, Expenses, No honorarium for RWA® chapters]

· Workshop is not sent automatically upon purchase. It will be sent to you as soon as I get to the office after receiving notification of payment. I’m in Denver, Colorado and on Denver/Mtn time. Thank you for your patience!

Available Now:

“The ‘W’ Plot…or The Other White Meat for Plotters”© hands-on-your-own-book online lecture is currently available for purchase.

The lecture packet is $38(USD) each. To purchase, click on the PayPal link (below) and follow the instructions. After confirmation from PayPal, the complete online lecture will be sent to your email address. The lectures are sent individually by the seller who checks email once a day. Lectures will not be sent immediately upon purchase. Thank you for your patience.

If you have any questions about the lecture or the purchasing process, please send an email to Thank you for your interest!

~ A goal without a plan is just a wish. ~
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Karen's Book Bench