It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s! Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me. I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers. So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy. It might be a main course recipe. A cookie or baked item. Candy. Salads. Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is HOMEMADE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS & REESE’S SQUARES!
I recently had a conversation on Facebook with Sam, a friend and reader, about a recipe I shared that essentially called for Peanut Butter Cups. I mentioned I had a homemade recipe to make my own and she pointed out that I’ve never shared it here. Mea culpa! She also shared her recipe for Reese’s Squares with me as an alternative to buying peanut butter cups. We decided to share them both. Easy to make Candy Heaven!
I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy eating!
P.S. We’re at 374 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right-hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc. Continue reading Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Double Feature**: Homemade Peanut Butter Cups & Reese’s Squares