Karen’s Killer Book Bench #Healthy #Relationships: BIPOLAR FLOWER by E.R. Magdalen

KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH: Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench, where readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site, so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!


Healthy Relationships


Gemma Ringer, a Catholic who suffers with Bipolar Disorder, spent the last year in and out of a psych ward in Calgary, Alberta. She’s watched, every week, as a mysterious sends a bucket of flowers. 

As a manic episode fuels her obsession, she flees the hospital, intent on finding the person who’s been sending the floral messages. She’s convinced that the race car driver, Damian McCain, will save a spirit who is mysteriously attached to the psych ward. 

Venturing toward the mountains, will Gemma be able to get through to Damian, or will his guarded heart keep him from accepting the chance to fix his past? 


Healthy Relationships


Before we get started talking about your writing, tell us a little about yourself, where you’re from, what you do for a living (if you’re not a full-time writer) what hobbies you have, etc. Whatever you’d like to share to introduce yourself.

Hello! I am E. R. Magdalen and live in Saskatchewan, Canada. I have always loved writing, and wrote my first book at 8 years old. I even had a notebook hidden in the bathroom and would scribble down paragraphs when my mom thought I had to go to the bathroom. I wrote stories when I was supposed to be doing school. When I was cutting the lawn or gone on car rides, my head was whirling with ideas.

In 2018, I had a huge breakdown and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and PTSD. This is when writing became detrimental. I wrote my thoughts, my feelings, my lack of feelings. I wrote traumatizing events. It became a serious therapy for me.

A few years later, I am 26, and I am more stable and able to put all my writings together. This is how the book “Bipolar Flower” was formed.

1. What genres do you write and why?

I have written many genres, but Bipolar Flower is Literary Fiction. It closely brushes on real life events but is a fictional story full of situations that anyone with a mental illness can relate to. And for those who don’t, it describes mental health issues in a short and catchy way. I recommend it for those seeking to be understood and to understand.

2. If you were to choose one superpower, what would it be?

If I were to choose one superpower, it would be to have the ability to heal souls.

3. Do you ever get stuck when you’re writing a book? What do you do to get “unstuck”?

I write in bursts of energy, and then take a long break. It might not be the best advice to give to aspiring authors, but I always found time refreshed my outlook on my projects.

4. What is your least favorite part of writing?

I love writing and seeing my book come to life with a good edit. My least favourite part of writing is the cost for professional editing services. That can be stressful.

5. If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us?

I would prepare chicken fried rice! Now I’m craving it.

6. What is your typical day like?

I don’t have typical days. Each day gives me something different.

7. What is most difficult for you to write? Characters, conflict or emotions? Why?

Oh, I love having my books drip with emotion. Developed and lovable characters are also important. I guess that leaves conflict as my most difficult to write.

8. How likely are the people you meet going to end up in your next book?

One hundred percent likely. I bet my favourite notebook on it!

9. Tell us about your hero. Give us one of his strengths and one of his weaknesses.

My hero is my Dad. His strength is that he perseveres with his daily routines and tasks no matter how hard life gets. His weakness is that he can get too close to a situation and bottle up his feelings until he gets upset. Now I know where I get that from!

10. Tell us about your next book & when is it being published?

Well, I just finished publishing Bipolar Flower. Next I am working on a book about those who struggle with postpartum psychosis. I hope it helps a lot of people! It is called Unforeseen Peril.

Links to E.R.’s websites, blogs, books, #ad etc.:

Amazon ebook U.S.: https://a.co/d/8BF8HNR

Amazon Paperback U.S:

Amazon Paperback Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738924408

Amazon Ebook Canada: https://a.co/d/39DGBE1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ermagdalen?mibextid=LQQJ4d



Thanks, E.R., for sharing your book with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!

6 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Book Bench #Healthy #Relationships: BIPOLAR FLOWER by E.R. Magdalen”

  1. Good morning, E.R., and welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench. I loved your interview. It’s always great to get insights into how an author writes. Like you, I’d love the supernatural ability to heal people. There’s so much need in today’s world. Your story sounds interesting. I’m sure it’s filled with emotions you like to write. It will be interesting to see how she deals with her obsession and how the story progresses. Thanks for sharing your book with us today.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I’d just love to heal people. Though I suppose showing kindness and understanding, we can slowly help people’s hearts and souls. ❤️

  2. Good afternoon and welcome E.R. , your books sounds like great reads and they sound like they will help alot of people who live with this and also help people understand this alot better. Thank you for sharing about your books with us. I enjoyed reading your interview. And yes I agree we all need some kind of healing. Have a great day and a great week.

  3. Thank yo for sharing your story. My sister was diagnosed with bi-polar and it was difficult for her. I look forward to checking out your book.

    1. Hi there! I am so sorry your sister is struggling. It really is a difficult diagnosis. Thank you for checking out my book. I hope it helps!


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