Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** BONUS with THE ASSOCIATION: Ryder (Footlight Theater Book 4) by Judy Kentrus #recipe ~ Cherry Blinks

CookingKaren’s Killer Fixin’s
BONUS with Judy Kentrus!

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!! Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors. Introducing author, JUDY KENTRUS, and her favorite recipe for CHERRY BLINKS


Footlight Theater Book 4


Ever since he was a kid, Ryder Wayne’s dream was to be an FBI Agent. That dream was stolen from him two months before graduation when a handgun was found in his high school locker. Determined to follow a career in law enforcement, he joined the Beacon Pointe Police Department after a stint in the Marines. He suffered additional heartbreak when the only girl he’s ever loved left Beacon Pointe two months after graduation. His life’s disappointments were compounded by the murder he and his friends witnessed when they were sixteen. Their unknown enemy continued to beat back all of their efforts to discover the identity of the man who was murdered and take back their lives.

Jillianne Bennett has loved Ryder Wayne since she was in the eleventh grade. As a couple they were a perfect blend of Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes vs Rebel without a Cause. She’s loved him forever, but swore she’d never marry a cop. As the owner of a million-dollar CPA firm, she’s maintained an untarnished reputation. Her perfect life comes to a screeching halt when she’s arrested for embezzlement.   Her only option is to turn to the man she loves, unaware she’s being used as a pawn by The Association’s unknown enemy.

THE ASSOCIATION. The carefree lives of four sixteen-year-olds were changed forever when they witness a cold blooded murder. Everett, Jackson, Mason and Ryder, The Association, have shared dark secrets since they were in high school. Blackmail was a reminder their lives were under close scrutiny while they achieved success in their chosen professions.

As adults they decide ‘no more.’ As they start their investigation into the murder, they have no idea how their lives have been manipulated by their unknown enemy.

Footlight Theater Book 4


Lieutenant Ryder Wayne stood in front of his captain’s desk. He’d been a cop for twenty-plus years and had never faced such a quandary in his career—no, his entire life. The heat coming from the legal document in his hand felt like he was holding the burning end of a lit torch.

“You actually expect me to do this?”

Paul Clark took off his gold rimmed glasses and carelessly tossed them on his desk. “How do you think I felt when I got a call from the prosecutor asking me to handle an extremely delicate situation that involved your girlfriend? He’s afraid of a media blitz and wants to keep it in house as much as possible.

“This is complete bullshit!”

“You don’t think I know that? But we have to follow through on procedure.”

“This is going to destroy her and everything she’s worked for.” Ryder almost choked on his own words.

“Your choice. I thought it would be better coming from you, because she’s going to need a lot of consoling. I could always send one of the young rookie cops.”

“I’d like to call you a piece of shit, but I can’t because you’re my superior. I’ll take Watson with me to help absorb the blow.”

The court is closed, so we don’t have a judge to hold a preliminary hearing. She’s officially in your custody and has to be in court Monday morning, nine a.m. Make sure she has a couple of good defense attorneys, if you get my meaning.”

He turned to leave the office, but stopped when his boss called his name. “Ryder, I’m saying this as your longtime friend. Inside, you’re furious and you want to rip a few new assholes, but don’t. There is so much more at stake. I want your promise that you won’t go off half-cocked and seek revenge by yourself. We’re getting close, so keep that in mind. Console your lady, because she’s going to need your strength and support. We’ll get them.”

Ryder nodded in resignation, because his friend was right. “Thanks, Paul.”

Grumbling snores greeted him when he walked into his office. Watson had a dog bed from LL Bean with his name embroidered on the soft cover, but preferred to sleep on the old brown leather couch that had come with the office Ryder had been occupying for five years.

For the first time since he was a teenager, he wished he wasn’t a cop. He reached for his black leather jacket that hung on the old clothes tree that had come with the office. “Let’s go, Sleeping Beauty. We’re going to see your girlfriend.”

A head covered in deep gold fur instantly jerked up as Watson left doggie dreamland. “Be extra nice because we have to do something very unpleasant. It’s going to hurt.”

Fifteen minutes later, they approached her office in the Footlight Theater where she could be found on Friday afternoons. The gold lettering on the door read, Jillianne Bennett, Endowment Curator and Director of Funds. With each step, dread hung on him like a death shroud. He didn’t need a sword to know he was about to cut her to pieces.

He tapped lightly on the oak doorframe but didn’t wait for permission to enter. The moment he opened the door, Watson rushed in, offering up a happy bark. Jillianne’s head of strawberry blond hair shot up as she looked away from her laptop in the center of her desk. She’d always had a beautiful smile. It was the end of the normal workday, but she was still perfectly groomed in silk and pearls, the perfect lady.

“Hi,” she greeted and removed her reading glasses to reveal pretty hazel eyes. “Tell me we didn’t have a date tonight, not that I wouldn’t love to spend the evening with my guy—no, both my guys.” She laughed when Watson put two feet on her desk and gave her a lapping kiss on her cheek. “You’re the only one I’ll let get away with that considering I’m a neat-freak prude.” She pulled open her bottom drawer and took out a container of special dog cookies she kept just for him. “Here, my sweet love.”

Watson accepted the treat and gobbled the cookie in a couple of bites. The look he gave Ryder when he sat on the floor and leaned against Jillian’s hip said, I’ll protect her.

“To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?” Jillianne asked, running a hand over the top of Watson’s head. “Did I ever tell you that I love my guy in uniform?”

He wanted to move to her side of the desk and take her in his arms, but he forced himself to remain professional. Do it. Get it over with. “Jilly, love, I would give all that I own—no, my life—not to have to do this, but I don’t have a choice.” Ryder pulled the paper out of the pocket in his uniform trousers and placed it on her perfectly neat desk.

She picked it up, and her smile faded before her mouth dropped open. Her fiery hot eyes shot to his. “What the hell is this?”

“It’s a warrant for your arrest. You’re being charged with embezzlement of funds from Burrows Real Estate Organization.”

Meet Author Judy Kentrus…

I’ve always been a romantic at heart and married my high school sweetheart. I make my home in the Poconos of Pennsylvania. When I’m not at my computer making my couples fall in love and give them their happily-ever-after, you can find me in the kitchen, baking, especially cookies. I’ve been dubbed the cookie queen by my family and friends. My stories are fun, sexy romances that will make you laugh, cry and fall in love.

Links to Judy’s website, blog, links, etc.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2l7bIMX

Barnes and Noble:  http://bit.ly/2AlaHHk

Kobo:  http://bit.ly/2npXxE3

Ibooks:  http://apple.co/2iF2ibe

Website: judykentrus.com

I hope you enjoy the recipe Judy is sharing today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy Eating!


P.S. We’re at 347 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


NOTE FROM JUDY: Writing isn’t my only passion. I love to bake, especially cookies. The women in our family inherited our love of baking from my grandmother. Grammy Treig was the ultimate baker. These cookies were her specialty and were made every year. This recipe for Wheaties Cherry Blinks dates back to the original 1963 Betty Crocker Cookie Book. She would start baking right after Thanksgiving. Grandpa Treig would keep a tally of the number of cookies she made each year. Most of them were given away to neighbors, the milk man, post man. These colorful cookies are a must for not only the holidays, but the entire year.

Yield: 5 dozen (60) cookies


2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup finely chopped, pitted dates
1/3 cup finely chopped maraschino cherries
2 2/3 cups Kellogg’s Corn Flakes® (crushed to 1 1/3 cups)
(Original recipe called for Wheaties)
15 maraschino cherries, cut into quarters


  1. In mixing bowl, stir together flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  2. In large electric mixer bowl, beat margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs. Beat well. Stir in milk and vanilla. Add flour mixture, combining thoroughly. Stir in nuts, dates and the 1/3 cup cherries.
  3. Portion dough using level tablespoon. Shape into balls. Roll in KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES cereal. Place about 2-inches apart on baking sheets coated with cooking spray. Top each cookie with cherry quarter.
  4. Bake at 350° F about 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove immediately from baking sheets and cool on wire racks. Store in airtight container.


**SPECIAL GIVEAWAY: Judy is giving away a signed copy of THE ASSOCIATION, BOOK 4 and a $10 Amazon Gift Card (U.S. Only) to one reader who comments on her Karen’s Killer Fixin’s blog.

Thanks, Judy, for sharing your book with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!

5 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** BONUS with THE ASSOCIATION: Ryder (Footlight Theater Book 4) by Judy Kentrus #recipe ~ Cherry Blinks”

  1. Good morning, Judy, and welcome to Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. I know it’s not my usual Thursday fare but the recipe and book sound yummy! Can’t wait to make the cookies and sit down with your book. Thanks for sharing with us today!

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