Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with Elizabeth Allen
Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!! Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.
Introducing author, ELIZABETH ALLEN, and her favorite recipe for HOMEMADE TOM GAI SOUP (Thai Coconut Soup) or what Elizabeth likes to call, THAI ONE ON!
About the author, Elizabeth Allen….
Liz is a Florida girl – born and raised in the Sunshine State. Her career path has spanned from physical to fiscal to literary starting in nutrition, then riding the roller coaster we call the stock market as a financial advisor and ultimately penning her first book at age 49. Before meeting her husband and marrying in 1992 Liz lived in New York City and Los Angeles. In 1995 she had a child but fear and impatience with unpredictable earthquakes in California motivated her to move back to Florida in 1999 – just in time for that y2k scare….
Liz’ debut novel “Who Got Liz Gardner” was published in April 2009 as the result of an international contest and is now enjoying tremendous popularity in book clubs around the world. Recently, some critics have called her novel “the intelligent and better-written ‘Fifty Shades of Grey'”. She was also reviewed and highly recommended by USA Today in April 2012. The sequel to WGLG – Discovering Arugula – was released January 2011. She recently released her third novel “Ima Pigg” a young adult/scifi tale which has been described as “Charlotte’s Web” meets “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.
Liz has been a contributing writer for several women’s magazines as well as a popular speaker for women’s groups.
Liz lives with her husband, daughter and Catahoula Leopard dog. Her unrealized dream is to ride horseback across the fields of Provence for one week. In the meantime, she rides dressage once a week and goes to Epcot. She will not ride Mission Space. She does, however,practice her high school French when she orders crepes.
Book Blurb
When Liz, a married financial advisor and mother of one, logs on to her high school website in an attempt to generate business leads, she inadvertently lands in a chat room made up of her male classmates (and former lovers) from 30 years before. There she witnesses a testosterone-laden discussion and a much unexpected question, “Does anyone know who got Liz Gardner?” The sheer irony that she would be a topic of this world wide circle jerk on her one and only visit catapults her into a graphic and relentless exploration of her life’s journey–with all the erotic, tragic, and hilarious affairs, lessons, and detours that inevitably led to the one “who got her.”
Did she make the same desperate mistakes as her mother, or worse? Was she destined to become her mother?
Her journey takes her from Florida to New York to California with a spicy layover in Denver. She grows and evolves from dealings with divorced parents, abortion, love triangles, infidelity, confused intentions, homeless junkies, aliens, vegetarians, stalkers, past life lesbians, ghosts and angels. Oh, and men. Definitely men.Who Got Liz Gardner is a complete meal with flavors, textures and ingredients reminiscent of “50 Shades of Grey”, and “Sex and the City” combined with a dash of “Fear of Flying”. Readers who enjoy feasts of this caliber will want to indulge in this extraordinary repast and encourage others to take a taste! However, be warned – while some like it hot, this meal hits the top of the Scoville scale. Muy caliente!
Chapter 1
Atticus Finch
Accolades of “Brilliant! Fantastic!” could be heard amidst the applause usually reserved for rock stars, but this wasn’t a concert. It was a psychiatric convention and Mike Gardner was a key speaker. A celebrity in the ambiguous world of mental health, his psychiatric observations were legend having been published in the most prominent journals. His evaluations were sought on the highest profile criminal cases and his conclusions were instrumental in verdicts. That was the public Mike.
And he was very generous with his sperm. Enthusiastic, some might say.
His given name was Melvyn, but he hated it and went by Mike. A slim, stunning man, he bore an uncanny resemblance to Gregory Peck. The facial arrangement of a sexy smile and deep soulful eyes was magnetic to men and women alike. He was a hugger; no one could escape his warm embrace as he bellowed “hellooo!” in lieu of handshakes. Every crushing squeeze was accompanied by that unique whiff of Brylcreem.
He had conformed and married his college sweetie. Realizing the American dream with a thriving practice and four young children was within his reach when he hired Radiance as his receptionist.
Radiance was a four-time divorcee and had a ten-year-old daughter, Bobbie, from the second marriage. She was a diminutive spitfire and like the saying goes—dynamite comes in small packages. Radiance was explosive. What she lacked in stature, she more than made up in attitude. She maintained a knock-out body, shamelessly tempted men with indigo eyes and used her sex appeal brilliantly. She could shift into an adorable Betty Boop voice while thrusting her perfect B cup breasts toward any man she wanted—the way her mother had taught her. She also bore a remarkable likeness to Ann Margret.
Her life had not been easy, especially starting off with a moniker like Radiance. Her father, Louis, died when she was ten years old. She never recovered from the loss and was traumatized into believing men were unreliable and would always leave her—and they always did.
Radiance may have let four husbands get away, but she hadn’t lost her touch. Within two months of employment, Mike left his wife and kids for her and for two years, Mike was in orbit around this red-haired vixen. He severed all ties to his first family, never returning sobbing calls from his children. In 1956, he married Radiance and adopted Bobbie, her daughter. Less than nine months later, my brother David came along. Fifteen months after that, I landed on the planet.
Links to ELIZABETH’s website, blog, books, etc.
I hope you enjoy the recipe Elizabeth is sharing with us today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy eating!
P.S. We’re at 101 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.
(Thai Coconut Soup aka Thai One On)
1 can coconut milk
Thai fish sauce
lemongrass stalk
brown sugar
ground garlic powder
toasted sesame oil
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup chopped vegetables ( broccoli and napa cabbage work nicely)
1/2 cup chopped scallions
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
1 cup cooked chicken tenders (or shrimp)
Bring coconut milk to low simmer and add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, the cup of chicken broth, 3 teaspoons of fish sauce, the lemongrass stalk, the juice of one lime, the garlic powder and a touch of sesame oil. Bring back to low simmer and add vegetables for five minutes. Turn down heat and add cooked chicken.
Can be served over rice or Thai rice noodles. If you like it spicy, add a dash of cayenne to taste!
**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Elizabeth will give away a Kindle version of both of her releases, WHO GOT LIZ GARDNER and DISCOVERING ARUGULA, to one of her lucky readers who comments on Friday Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** blog!! Winner will be randomly selected and announced Monday, July 29, 2013. Thanks, Elizabeth, for sharing your stories with us!