Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Killer Cupcakes

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy.  It might be a main course recipe.  A cookie or baked item.  Candy.  Salads.  Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is KILLER CUPCAKES.

I’ve already admitted that I’m a chocoholic. But did you know I’m also a cheesecake fanatic? Yes, I do have some delicious psychological tendencies! What’s fun is when I can combine my two favorites into one dessert. Killer Cupcakes are “the bomb”! Delicious chocolate cupcakes with cheesecake-like centers. Oh! And did I mention chocolate chips?! 🙂

This recipe truly is to-die-for and so easy to make.  No frosting necessary — it really would take this cupcake over the top — which makes it a wonderful snack cake to tuck in your kid’s lunchbox…assuming there are any left for the little darlin’!

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 30 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


[Makes 20-22 Cupcakes]


2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 ½ cups sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 cup flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Fill 20-22 cupcake tins with liners.  Melt chocolate pieces, vanilla and butter; cool.  Beat eggs until thick and add sugar.  Beat in flour.  Fold in cooled butter-chocolate mixture.  Spoon into tins, filling two-thirds (2/3) full.


8 oz. pkg. cream cheese
dash salt
¼ cup sugar
¾ cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 beaten egg

Mix cream cheese, sugar, egg and salt until blended.  Stir in chocolate chips. Drop a rounded teaspoon of filling on top of each cupcake.  Bake cupcakes 30 minutes.  No need to frost!  Yummy!

18 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Killer Cupcakes”

  1. YUMMY!!! I sooo needed this today – a remedy for my ailments of frustration and comfort food – thank you Dr. Doctor. hehehe.

    These really do look good – thank you for sharing. I would have never thought cream cheese. Simply lovely.

    1. So glad it tickles your yummy bone, Karen! I love these because it truly does taste like you’re getting the richest chocolate cake and the best of cheese cake. I like that there’s no frosting. Faster to make and not as sweet!

      Let me know how you like them!


    1. Wonderful, Sherry! If she loves cupcakes, she’ll love these. I really liked having these for my kid’s lunch boxes. No icing mess and they loved them.


  2. Ooh these look divine! I’ll need to buy some cream cheese tomorrow. I made a similar recipe last fall that involved a pumpkin muffin with a cream cheese/Nutella filling. Yes, they were THAT good.

    1. Oh, my! Don’t suppose you’d be willing to share that recipe with us someday? Sounds yummy, too. As a published author, I could highlight you and your short stories here some Friday, too. Just a thought!

      The great thing about this recipe is occasionally, I put different chips in…like butterscotch, white chocolate, mint chocolate chips, caramel chips, etc. EVERYTHING goes with chocolate and cheesecake. 🙂

      Let me know how you like them!


  3. Way back when I was teaching my daughter how to cook I told her the key was cream cheese. Cream cheese solves almost everything lol. Killer cupcakes are an AWESOME recipe to add to my binders. Thanks!

  4. I’ll take you up on that offer- thanks Karen! I will share my recipe, once I remember where I found it, hehe. Speaking of cream cheese, I added some to my pasta to make a cream sauce this evening.

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