Karen’s Killer Fixin’s #NA #Romantic #Comedy: CHASING DAFFODILS, A Novel by Emily Sam #Recipe ~ Mom’s Bread Pudding

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with EMILY SAM!

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!! Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors. Introducing author, EMILY SAM, and her favorite recipe for MOM’S BREAD PUDDING!


A New Adult & College Romantic Comedy


Jade Everly is a twenty-four-year-old native New Yorker, pursuing an acting career while working as a Barista at a trendy cafe. She shares an apartment in Brooklyn with her best friend Reese.

When Reese suddenly springs the news that she is moving out to live with her boyfriend, Jade has no choice but to let good-looking, cocky, musician, and true player Colin move in. Now living together, Jade and Colin hardly see eye to eye, especially about the men she dates.

An upcoming wedding of her ex-boyfriend Noah and childhood best friend Suzy has her on the hunt (even more than ever) for a plus one.

Will Jade find love as she searches for the right date or will desperation blind her from finding the love she desires?

A New Adult & College Romantic Comedy

Eric places his paintbrush behind his ear then he grabs a handful of grapes and shoves them in his mouth. “How about this?

We can’t show each other until we’re adding the finishing touches,” he coos.

“I like that idea,” I say, playing with the paintbrush between my fingers. Eric and I lean our backs against each other, and I smile when I feel his back against mine. Eric plays some soft rock from his phone, and we continue our conversation from earlier as we paint. I decide to paint the first thing I can think of and piercing blue eyes enter my head. I dip my paintbrush into the black paint and begin outlining my mysterious blue eyes. I fill Eric in on the little bubble of my life, and he nods and laughs along as he listens to some of the ridiculous stories that have happened to my friends and me.

“I live in Chelsea,” he tells me. “I live alone in a tiny studio apartment. Emphasis on the studio part because it’s literally my little art studio.”

I smile. “How long have you been living in Chelsea?”

I feel Eric tilt his head. “Hmm…let me see… I believe about a year now. I went from growing up in a three-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, to a little dorm room, to this studio, so I’m pretty thankful for the no roommate thing.”

I shrug, and I hear him laugh behind me.

“Sensitive subject?”

“Sort of.” I laugh. “I live with a roommate right now, and sometimes I imagine living alone and seeing how that feels.”

About Author Emily Sam…

Emily was born in 1998 in South Jersey. When she was 13, Emily and her family relocated to Florida. Her parents were born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and Emily spent a lot of time visiting family there. It was during one of these visits that inspired Emily to write. Her adoration for New York mixed with her personal experiences and love for writing helped shape Chasing Daffodils. She has a deep-rooted love for cities and hopes to settle down in one someday.

When Emily isn’t writing she divides her time between working towards a college degree and spending time with family and friends. A favorite pastime is taking long walks or drives with her dog Lily while listening to decades-old classic rock music. It is usually during these long walks that much of her character development for her stories take place.

Emily enjoys reading your typical romance novel. Her favorite is romantic comedies. She also enjoys relaxing while watching her favorite television shows Sex and the City, Girls, and The Office.

Emily is so appreciative of her readers and looks forward to hearing from you. If you have questions about her book, promotional material, book signings, or other general questions, feel free to reach out through social media, email, or website.


Links to Emily’s website, blog, books, #ad etc.:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KF6N7GN
Website URL:  https://www.chasingdaffodilsbook.com
Contact Info:  emily@chasingdaffodilsbook.com
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/emilysam.author
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/emilysam_author

I hope you enjoy the recipe Emily is sharing today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy Eating!


P.S. We’re at 560 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right-hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.




2 Cups of stale white bread cubed (packed into measuring cup)
2 Cups Milk
2 Eggs
1 Cup Sugar
1 TBSP Vanilla Extract
½ Cup of Raisins
1 Medium Apple (pared, cored & diced)
2 TBSP Butter, Melted

Combine the bread with the milk in a mixing bowl.  Beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla.  Blend into the bread mixture along with the raisins and the apples.  Pour the melted butter into a 1-quart casserole dish. Put bread mixture into the casserole dish.  Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes or until pudding is set.


Special Giveaway: Emily will give away a paperback copy of CHASING DAFFODILS to one lucky reader who comments on her Karen’s Killer Book Bench blog.

Happy Reading!


Thanks, Emily, for sharing your story with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!


18 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s #NA #Romantic #Comedy: CHASING DAFFODILS, A Novel by Emily Sam #Recipe ~ Mom’s Bread Pudding”

  1. OK….I’m confused… The lead in and the excerpt, delightful as it is, don’t match the intro…😳or maybe its me…who’s Eric when I’m expecting a Colin?
    If I’m Mr. Random selection, I’ll find out for sure, unless I buy this book first! Love the title…
    Your mother’s bread pudding sounds delicious.
    Thanks, Karen and Emily….

    1. Thank you K.A for the wonderful compliments! The main character’s life is a bit tricky, but also easy to follow. Too many men, not enough time, just kidding! I hope you decide to read it. Enjoy the bread pudding as well. Emily

  2. Good morning, Emily, and welcome to Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. I don’t think I could live with a man just as a friend/roommate. It will be interesting to see how Jade and Colin work it out. Thanks for sharing your book with us today. Thanks, too, for sharing the recipe. I LOVE bread pudding and can’t wait to try your Mom’s version.

    1. Hi Eileen! The excerpt is a display of writing style. There are many characters in the book and Eric is one. I hope you’ll take the opportunity to read Chasing Daffodils and see how Eric fits in. You are welcome for the bread pudding. I hope you’ll try that as well. Emily

  3. Your mom’s bread pudding sounds really good, I’ve never had it with apples in it before. Chasing Daffodils sounds like a fun read.

    1. Hi Julie! The apples and the raisins can be optional. However, during thanksgiving it makes it feel seasonally festive. I hope you’ll give the apples a try with a side of Chasing Daffodils! Emily

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