Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Shortbread Cookies


It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s! Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me. I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers. So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy. It might be a main course recipe. A cookie or baked item. Candy. Salads. Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is SHORTBREAD COOKIES!

I haven’t made these cookies in forever but now that I’ve come across the recipe again, I’m going to have to make some. I found this recipe when my children were young. They were great cookies for the littlest ones, especially when they were teething. They are delicious and practically melt in your mouth. I recommend making a double batch. They’re THAT good!

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy eating!


P.S. We’re at 320 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.

[Serves 4-5]

1 1/4 cup flour
3 T. sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix with pastry cutter. Press into ball. Knead one minute until smooth. Roll out 1/4-inch thick. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 325 degrees for 14-16 minutes. Cool on a rack and store in airtight container.

Happy Eating!

12 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Shortbread Cookies”

  1. I love shortbread but I eat too many of them if I bake them. It’s bad enough when I buy them. This recipe looks great!

  2. I love shortbread cookies but I have never tried making them. This sounds like a recipe I might be brave enough to try (0;

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I’ve only tried to make shortbread cookies once. I should try again. Wonder if they would work with “dairy free” fake butter… Hmmm… Or make ’em and feed ’em to the masses. 😀

    1. You can certainly try them with “dairy free” fake butter but not sure how the texture and taste might be. Worth a try though. Just make one batch and see how it works. 🙂

  4. I always look forward to your recipes. Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to share this recipe with the hubs since he is the baker in the family. It looks delicious. Not sure if I have ever had shortbread cookies.

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