Karen’s Killer Fixin’s with HIS DEMON’S MATE, Dark Immortals Book Two #PNR #FatedMates #Romance by Elise Whyles #Recipe ~ Vampire Blood

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with ELISE WHYLES!!

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!! Today, instead of one of my recipes, I will introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll also get a chance to check out some fantastic authors. Introducing author ELISE WHYLES and her favorite recipe for VAMPIRE BLOOD!


Dark Immortals Book Two


When Death goes rogue no-one is safe.

Condemned and shunned, Angrail, has wandered mortal and immortal worlds for centuries. Driven by a need for vengeance and justice, he hunts those who would harm the innocent.

Ephynia, one of the God of the Dead’s most skilled huntresses, is ripped from the familiar comfort of her duty, of her life. Bound to a man others have turned from, she struggles to overcome her traitorous instincts and needs and gain her freedom.

Fate has other plans. Bound together enemies turned lovers, Ephynia and Angrail must face enemies new and old to save their growing love. Will the secrets hidden within their worlds destroy them before they can find peace?

Content Warning: contains violence, demon temper tantrums, graphic sex, and anal sex

**Previously released as Forsaken Paradise, updated copy with an addition 10k in new content and major revisions.*



Dark Immortals Book Two


Claws drawn, Ephynia strode through the bodies littering the earth and dodged the hovering, uncertain souls. She side-stepped mortals, demons, and mysts, unwilling to turn from her search. Her eyes scoured the plains until she felt her heart leap into her throat.

A warrior lay in a mangled heap, his body covered in the leather and metal armor of a mortal. Sweat beaded along his forehead, soaking his hair. His skin was a sickly gray, cheeks gaunt, lips blue-tinged. His body shook, fingers clawing at the earth beneath him. Eyes glazed with pain stared at her. Death would be more merciful than life for him.

Her gaze swept the battlefield, catching the eyes of a tall, shrouded figure moving among the men. At the man’s feet, thick grey clouds rolled, flaring white periodically. A myst. Raising a brow, she waved the male closer. “Why have you not taken him?” She pointed at the wounded warrior. “His soul is clean, I cannot.”

“’Tis not his time,” he wheezed as he pointed another soul toward the ship. “Your master, Nepharal, has forbidden us to take him.”

“Nepharal? Why would my lord forbid such mercy?”

“It is penance,” the myst explained. “He was bound and no one save for your master will free him. Not even our mistress dares to challenge the judgment.”

Ephynia started in surprise, her gaze flying to the wounded soldier. He clung to life by his very fingertips, his chest filled with a rattle none could survive. Already she could smell the stench of disease, of decay within the wounds. If the Lord of the Dead had forbidden any from taking him, his suffering would know no end. Though why the Lord of the Dead would cast such a punishment eluded her. Nepharal did not bother with the Guides of Paradise, they were his wife’s children.

Heaving a tired breath, she turned from him. If her lord had cast a punishment on him she could do nothing. Pushing aside any thought of the wounded myst, she scanned the battlefield. Among the dead and wounded, a fallen lurked. A male so repulsive her master had deemed it to be his time before his welcomed death. There was one there who beckoned to her. Pushing aside the thought of the soldier’s agony, she appraised the fallen with cold intent. She would cast off his… Her thoughts stuttered to a halt at the sudden weak grip around her ankle.

 Boiling lava popped beneath his feet. At his side the bedraggled, sniveling form of a half starved vampire pleaded for mercy. A crystalith chamber formed, swirling in the rising steam before sucking the vampire into it and sealing itself.

 Awareness shot through her. He was one of the Seven, beings ordained by Zaraphine, blessed by Nepharal himself to serve his beloved wife and carry lost souls to paradise. She’d been but a child when she’d first heard the rumor that Nepharal had cursed one of them.

“Release me.” Ephynia reached for her sword, narrowing her eyes. She growled, flashing her fangs when his grip tightened.

“Do not pity me,” he rasped, his body wracked with shudders of pain. “Do not think any can ease my suffering. My end will come.”

“Not this day.” She turned away, intent on returning to her chambers after she’d taken the head of the one who called to her. It would be a cold day in Stylox before she’d allow another to have ownership over her in any fashion. Whoever he was, she would release herself from the binding and keep her sanity. The price otherwise would be too steep.

“It will come, demoness and it will pass me by.”

She’d only taken a few steps when she felt the softest of touches along her wings. Stumbling, she turned. Several of her kind were dragging protesting souls toward the yawning mouth of the underworld.

Ephynia, you will return to your duties.” Nepharal’s order filled her head.

I cannot.” She eyed the fallen one. “I am not, my lord, that is to say I cannot…

Help those who can be helped, and return to your place by the light of the moon. Only Sevens may be out after the sun has set on that battlefield.

About Author Elise Whyles…

Elise Whyles, combines her love of mythology, magic, and mayhem to create the dark paranormal romances she writes. What could be sexier than a smoldering loner vampire, or a dragon willing to soul walk to save the woman he loves? If you’re looking for action packed, steamy romance, then you’re in the right place 🙂


Links to Elise’s website, blog, books, #ad, etc.:

Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3YjS7sr

Amazon Paperback: https://amzn.to/3CaT4vy

Website: sultryreads.com/elise-whyles


I hope you enjoy the recipe Elise is sharing today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy Eating!


P.S. We’re at 714 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right-hand column menu,  you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: If an author’s favorite recipe isn’t their own creation and came from an online site, you will now find the entire recipe through the link to that site as a personal recommendation. Thank you.



NOTE FROM ELISE: This is can be made with or without alcohol.

1 ounce Vodka
1 ounce Pomegranate Liquor
1 ounce Grenadine
1/2 glass of Sprite/7Up
1/3 glass of cranberry juice
Cinnanom hearts
Mix liquors and pour over ice. set aside.
Mix juices, pop, and grenadine together into a chilled glass, over ice cubes.
Add liquor (if you want non-alcoholic, skip this step)
Garnish with cinnamon hearts, marchiano cherries.

Special Giveaway: Elise will gift an omnibus of the first three books to one lucky reader who comments on her Karen’s Killer Book Bench blog. Good Luck!

Happy Reading!


Thanks, Elise, for sharing your book with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!

7 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s with HIS DEMON’S MATE, Dark Immortals Book Two #PNR #FatedMates #Romance by Elise Whyles #Recipe ~ Vampire Blood”

  1. This book looks and sounds like a great read and a great read for the Halloween season or anytime, looking forward to reading this book in print format

  2. Welcome to Karen’s Killer Fixin’s, Elise. Wow! What a great excerpt. I cannot wait to read this book. You caught me already. The recipe sounds delicious, too. What a wonderful recipe for a Halloween party! Thanks for sharing both with us today!

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