Karen’s Killer Fixin’s with KITCHEN WITCH, Liberty Valley Love Book 7 #Paranormal #Romance by Josie Malone #Recipe ~ Snickerdoodle Cookies

Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL** with JOSIE MALONE!!

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!! Today, instead of one of my recipes, I will introduce you to a new author who will share one of her favorite recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll also get a chance to check out some fantastic authors. Introducing author JOSIE MALONE and her favorite recipe for SNICKERDOODLE COOKIES!


Liberty Valley Love Book 7


The middle sister of the Jamison triplets, Meteor has different magickal talents than her sisters. As a shapeshifter, she struggles to deal with the soul-matched mate who she believes killed her in previous lives and fears he may do it again. After the triplets open a time portal to 1888 Liberty Valley, Meteor never expected two trained wizards to travel forward through the magick doorway. They reunite her with the young son she asked them to protect before her death in that bygone time.

Wizard and shifter in more than one life, Jed Corbett struggles to survive when his soulmate is murdered more than once, and he’s often unjustly accused of her death. Two former friends from 1888 offer to help him discover the truth and deal with an age-old enemy.

Nothing is as it seems when Jed and Meteor challenge her demon father who they blame for continuing a war that began eons ago. They also fear he plans to sacrifice their young children in blood rituals. With the help of allies in 1888 Liberty Valley as well as those of today, Meteor and Jed confront their adversaries.

Will they win a real future together, or will they die this time too?



Liberty Valley Love Book 7


Meteor Jamison, shape-shifter, entrepreneur, and hereditary witch
Eagleville, Washington
Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

At 4:00 a.m., it was still dark when Meteor Jamison parked her red Ford Explorer behind the two-story duplex she and her partners remodeled for their business. The building stood on the corner of one of the main streets in town. She’d painted a huge mural of fantastic creatures that included unicorns, centaurs, and winged horses frolicking as well as large letters spelling out Captivating Catering when they bought the structure. She started the company with three of her college friends five years before. At long last, the enterprise supported them, and they could quit their proverbial ‘day jobs.’ While they worked hard, it was worth it.

Her day usually started before dawn. Mentally, she began running through the list of tasks she needed to accomplish before the first customers arrived to order pastries and their breakfast espressos. She’d start by checking the walk-in refrigerator where she’d find loaves of bread, homemade bagels, croissants, and doughnuts waiting to be baked. Lizzie Drake, the head chef would have prepped the items on the lunch menu but sandwiches, quiches and two large tureens of soup always required finishing.

Still tallying the waiting work, Meteor unlocked the back door and entered the large commercial kitchen. She headed to the main bank of switches and turned on the fluorescent lights and then her favorite classic country music station before glancing around the room. The steel counters gleamed and so did the tile floor.

Obviously, Daphne Hollister had finished her day by meticulously cleaning the establishment when she closed up yesterday. Meteor walked through the kitchen into the small restaurant area, admiring the pristine tables, chairs, and booths. Pictures of elves, fairies, satyrs and other fanciful creatures courtesy of Lizzie Blake and her friends brightened the cream walls.

Most visitors saw the long strands of small quartz stones hung like garlands around the room and windows as decorations. Few realized they were part of an early warning system intended to protect the bakery and its owners. Her sister’s soul-matched mate had installed them a few weeks before, shortly after his arrival from 1888 when he explained they were in mortal jeopardy from their father, a demon prince.

I’m lucky to have such wonderful partners, Meteor thought, not for the first time as she returned to the kitchen. Most people would think I’ve gone around the bend, not accept me as a sole practitioner of magick or kitchen witch. Of course, it helps that all of them aren’t a hundred-percent human. Lizzie was a fairy, Daphne, a frost elf and Tolliver Woods, part satyr. The four of them met at Washington State University ten years ago as freshmen and immediately recognized each other as ‘something more.’

Meteor turned on the commercial ovens, and the giant coffee pot on the way to look at the whiteboard outside the office. She hummed along with the song on the radio, enjoying the opportunity to harmonize with it and was grateful Tolliver wasn’t there to complain about her being off-key. He always said he didn’t get paid enough to listen to her howl and that a wolf should have a better pitch.

While she read the list of upcoming events, she put on a long white apron, tying the strings around her waist, then added a hairnet over the coronet of braids on her head. Two birthday parties, a wedding and a baby shower this weekend. Everyone covered for me big-time while we waited for Astra to heal from her injuries and then return from that walk among the stars.

For a moment, she recalled the witchy work she and her sisters needed to perform before Yule, the winter solstice. They had to deal with the evil that still stalked the streets of Corbettstown in eastern Liberty Valley, but the shape-shifting pack had run rampant during the twenty-four-plus years Frank Corbett served as alpha. No, he didn’t serve the members. He ruled like a despot, and he needed to be stopped before there was more bloodshed.

As three hereditary witches destined to lead their people, the triplets had a duty to protect the innocents who’d followed them to this realm from their home in Trilunon so long ago. She remembered what Venus, their youngest sister, the war-queen proclaimed a few days before. “We’re the Trecesalty, the sacred three who stand together. As it was once, as it will be now and forever.”

“I’m the matriarch who protects the land, the sea and the air, along with their inhabitants,” Meteor whispered softly, “and those include my children and my sisters.”

She took a deep breath, dreading the upcoming battle. In four days, she and her soul-matched mate, Jed Corbett, would confront Frank Corbett, the older shapeshifter and let him know things were about to change in Liberty Valley. For a moment, she wondered if Jed feared the fight as much as she did. Probably not. He’d been a soldier-warrior long before they went through the soul-binding rite and male shapeshifters enjoyed wrestling with one another even in mock, rough and tumble battles. She’d certainly seen enough of that with their two sons during the past month after Edwin’s arrival from 1888 with the two wizards soul-matched to her sisters.

When she opened the walk-in refrigerator, she spotted six tall, upright carts with trays of cookies waiting to be baked. Obviously, Brigid Dawson, her apprentice, a younger kitchen witch had spent the weekend here instead of shopping holiday sales, or celebrating with her family, or saving a federal agent from angry shifters, the way Meteor had with her sisters. What happened? How had Brigid’s family put the fun back in ‘dysfunctional’? Would her cousin share any of the pain she’d experienced or continue to suppress it?

Meteor heaved a sigh. Sooner or later, I’m going to have to breach those walls and convince her it’s safe to let me help, but today may not be the day. Breakfast rolls baking and the baguettes for sandwiches in the other oven, she brought out the first cart of sugar cookies. The doorbell sounded at the front of the building, and she glanced at her watch. She didn’t open for another two and a half hours, but someone might not recall that since the schedule had undoubtedly been erratic for the past two days while she stayed at the ranch nursing Astra.

She saw the two F.B.I. agents from last Friday night standing on the sidewalk outside and unlocked the front door to speak to them. The older one, a tall, stocky man, stepped forward, opening a black billfold, and revealing a badge. “Ms. Jamison, I don’t know if you remember me or not. I’m Wardrow Roberts.” He gestured to his companion, a handsome, young African-American, Native-American, mixed-race man with close-cropped black hair. “This is Agent Fletcher Gaines.”

“I know. I remember you.” Meteor wouldn’t tell Gaines that he was a hell of a marksman, especially when it came to shooting from a moving helicopter. He’d only wounded the wolves she fought on Saturday morning. If he’d been armed with silver rounds, he’d have killed them. “Did you find your missing agent?”

“Yes.” Concern swept into Wardrow Roberts’ face. “I don’t know who your sister’s client was, but the information she received was correct. She died trying to save Special Agent Newsome. He and Agent Endicott are still in the hospital, but they’re both expected to fully recover. Your brother-in-law—”

“Your info is incorrect.” Meteor glanced swiftly at the younger agent. “Astra’s fine. She’ll be back in court this afternoon.”

“That’s not true. She had a sword in her back and was bleeding out.” Fletcher Gaines took a step forward, a concerned frown on his face, dark brown eyes narrowed. “I’ve seen people die in combat. She couldn’t have survived an injury like that, not when she was taken away before receiving medical treatment. Your brother-in-law should have waited. We’d have helped her.”

Meteor shrugged and glanced over her shoulder at the wall clock. The smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. She had things to do, and these men were taking up way too much of her time. “I don’t know what you saw, but both my sisters are fine. So are my cousins. So are all the women I know.” She deliberately looked at her watch. “I have cookies to bake, and I need to get back to work. There’s a lot of prep to do before the breakfast rush. So, if that’s all—”

“We’d like to speak to your brother-in-law about the incident Saturday morning and find out who assaulted your sister,” Wardrow Roberts said. “Where do we find him?”

“I have no idea, and I still need to finish the bagels. But I do know what my sister would tell you.”

“What’s that?” Fletcher Gaines asked eagerly.

“Get a warrant.” Meteor closed the door, locked it, and hurried back to the kitchen in time to hear the timers on the ovens buzz.

About Author Josie Malone…

Josie says, “I live on the family farm, a riding stable in the Cascade foothills. I organize most of the riding programs, teach horsemanship, nurse sick horses, hold for the shoer, train whoever needs it – four-legged and two-legged. And write books in my spare time, Liberty Valley Love, a paranormal western romance series, “where no matter what, soulmates find each other” and the Baker City Hearts and Haunts, a paranormal military romance series – “where love is real and so are the ghosts!”


Links to Josie’s website, blog, books, #ad, etc.:



I hope you enjoy the recipe Josie is sharing today on Karen’s Killer Fixin’s. Happy Eating!


P.S. We’re at 713 recipes and counting with this posting. Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right-hand column menu,  you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: If an author’s favorite recipe isn’t their own creation and came from an online site, you will now find the entire recipe through the link to that site as a personal recommendation. Thank you.


SNICKERDOODLE COOKIES RECIPE [Courtesy of  loveandlemons.com]

NOTE FROM JOSIE: Snickerdoodle cookies are always a favorite here at the farm, but I don’t always have time to make them from scratch which is when I use the Krusteaz Snickerdoodle boxed mix from the grocery.

When I do have time, here’s the link to my favorite recipe. I always roll the cookies in cinnamon sugar to be sure they have that distinctive flavor and like Meteor recommends, I put a slice of bread in the cookie jar to keep them soft and chewy. Snickerdoodle Cookies Recipe – Love and Lemons


Special Giveaway: Josie will gift an e-copy of Liberty Valley Love, Book #6 – Time In Between – Astra Jamison’s (Meteor’s elder sister) story to one lucky reader who comments on her Karen’s Killer Book Bench blog. Good Luck!

Happy Reading!


Thanks, Josie, for sharing your book with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!

6 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Fixin’s with KITCHEN WITCH, Liberty Valley Love Book 7 #Paranormal #Romance by Josie Malone #Recipe ~ Snickerdoodle Cookies”

  1. Love excerpt from book sounds and looks like a great read looking forward to reading a print copy for myself, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this book. Thanks for recipe love Snickerdoodles.

  2. Good morning, your book sounds great! The cookie recipe sounds delicious, thank you for sharing your recipe. Have a great day and a great weekend.

    1. Thanks. Snickerdoodles never last long around here – I don’t make them as big as the ones Meteor would sell in the bakery, but that means I can have more than one with coffee. LOL. She is one of my favorite characters and Jed was definitely her hero.

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