Category Archives: Karen’s Killer BOOK BENCH

Merry Christmas to You & Your Family!!!

Christmas tree, candelabre and chear with teddy bear near fireplace

I’m taking a small break from blogging until after the holiday weekend. I want to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas.  Take advantage of this time to hug your family and friends, give thanks for what you have, and gather strength to make your dreams a reality in the New Year. I hope you find joy and peace and oodles of chocolate or other favorite treats in your stockings…like books. Lots and lots of books.

Happy Reading!


Karen’s Killer Book Bench: Wedding Vows, a Poem by Karen Docter

Christmas tree, candelabre and chear with teddy bear near fireplace


Merry Christmas to All of My Readers!

I hope your holidays are warm and you find some time to sit in your favorite chair and read to your heart’s content.

Since I write romance, it’s only natural that I’d get around to writing a poem about love and marriage. I took the Jingle Bells carol written by James Lord Pierpont and added my own spin. I  hope you enjoy my own little Christmas jingle. 🙂

Happy Holidays!  Karen Continue reading Karen’s Killer Book Bench: Wedding Vows, a Poem by Karen Docter

Karen’s Killer Book Bench **SNEAK PEEK**: Season of Thrills/KILLING SECRETS by K.L. Docter


 読書KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH: Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench where readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!


5 Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Novels
By Award-winning and Bestselling Authors

Now available for Pre-order
** Special limited time price ONLY $.99 **
Continue reading Karen’s Killer Book Bench **SNEAK PEEK**: Season of Thrills/KILLING SECRETS by K.L. Docter

Karen’s Killer Book Bench Cover Reveal: Five Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Novels by Bestselling Authors (Box Set)


 読書KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH: Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench where readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!

Continue reading Karen’s Killer Book Bench Cover Reveal: Five Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Novels by Bestselling Authors (Box Set)

Karen’s Killer Book Bench: Killing Secrets, A Thorne’s Thorns Novel by K.L. Docter

読書  KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench where readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!

Continue reading Karen’s Killer Book Bench: Killing Secrets, A Thorne’s Thorns Novel by K.L. Docter

Karen’s Killer Book Bench: The Christmas Shift & Shifting Dreams by JM Kline

読書  KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench where, every Wednesday, readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!

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A Shadow Hills Shifter Story

Book Blurb

It’s Christmas Eve, and Holly Barry’s seventeenth birthday. This is the year she will shape-shift for the first time, and she is terrified of what she may change into. The holidays are already a hard time for her, missing her mother’s Christmas cheer. Her embarrassing seasonal name doesn’t help matters. Her dad doesn’t seem to understand Holly’s reluctance, and decorates to his heart’s content.

When Holly shifts into something truly grotesque, she has to find the Christmas spirit. Will she discover it in time to make dreams come true?

(Short Story)


A Note from JM Kline about The Christmas Shift….

Thank you so much for having me on your blog! Today is the LAST DAY you can get The Christmas Shift for free on Kindle, so head over there right now and download it! It’s about a girl on the eve of her seventeenth birthday, which happens to fall on Christmas Eve. As anyone with a December birthday will admit, holiday birthdays tend to be pretty awful. Unfortunately for Holly Barry, it’s even WORSE for her, because she’s about to have her life changed forever. She’s about to shift into an animal, and she has no idea what she’s going to be! Here’s a small excerpt of The Christmas Shift….



I followed Dad through the front door. I hadn’t realized it would be so cold outside, and I sat on the heating vent in the living room to warm up. I stared at the over-stuffed brown armchair Dad loved and thought about what my life might be like after I turned seventeen tomorrow.

This was one birthday I’d be happy to skip.

Dad didn’t tell me that we were shape shifters until I started high school. Dad had changed into a bird so many times over the last two years, I’d kind of gotten used to the idea. I wish I’d had a chance to see my mom change. Dad always told me she was the most beautiful swan he had ever seen. It was part of why he’d fallen in love with her.

Really, it wasn’t the shape-changing that scared me. The truth is, I was terrified I’d change into something weird.

I’d been thinking about the worst case scenarios for a while. What if I changed into a shark or something and I suddenly couldn’t breathe? I know they have precautions, like having a nearby pool or something, but what if they didn’t get me there in time? I moved through other terrible possibilities. A cow – I can imagine the taunts now. A vulture – has to be the ugliest bird on the planet. A giant snake. I shuddered at that one. I know a couple of snakes. One of my teachers is a rattlesnake, but they still give me the creeps.

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A Shadow Hills Shifter Story

Book Blurb


Nestled in the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains lays the town of Shadow Hills. Driving through, you would never suspect the town’s inhabitants are anything but normal.


Tessa Brooks has lived all her life in Shadow Hills. She’s always thought she was just another ordinary girl. She is wrong.

When her parents reveal the town’s Big Secret the day before she’s supposed to start high school, she thinks it’s the worst thing that could ever happen to herand that’s when things get even weirder.


Tessa tries to balance high school, family, friends, a new maybe-sort-of-boyfriend with new powers and responsibilities she’s not ready to embrace. Her life as she knows it has ended, and a new one is beginning. Whether she’s ready or not.


A Shadow Hills Shifter Story

A Note from JM Kline about Shifting Dreams….

As a birthday bash bonus, the first book in the Shadow Hills Shifters series is on sale! Get it for just $1.99 today, December 18th! The price goes up to $2.99 tomorrow, before returning to its original list price of $3.99.

Shifting Dreams is a story about Tessa Brooks, who just found out that she was born into a family of shape-shifters. They tell her she’ll shift into an animal on her seventeenth birthday, but she has no idea what she’ll turn into! Of course, as it happens, things don’t go quite as planned. Here is a short excerpt. Enjoy!


A Shadow Hills Shifter Story


Everyone left for school and work. Then I got myself ready and walked to the forest on the edge of town. Vin told us we shouldn’t be there, but I had this feeling I couldn’t shake.

I found the clearing, sat down, and waited. I closed my eyes to relax and hopefully get rid of my headache. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes, it was hot and the sun was shining directly over me.

Apparently, it was all a waste of time. I stood up and brushed the pine needles off my pants. I walked back to the path, watching the ground for giant roots. I knew those suckers were just waiting to trip the unsuspecting and the clumsy. I’d just jumped over one particularly mangy-looking shrub when I noticed there was someone standing on the path.

At first, all I saw were his shoes – big, black zombie-stomping boots. His long legs were covered in dark jeans, which covered a butt that was to-die-for. He wasn’t big and built, but his arms gave me the idea that he worked out in some way. His hair was blond and scruffy and long, just like I liked it.

I must have made some noise just then, because he turned around to see me. I caught the square jaw and yummy lips before I looked up and saw his eyes. They were ringed with emerald and the bright green starburst was flecked with gold.

I knew those eyes. This was my wolf.

I suddenly didn’t know what I was doing there. What if Vin was right and this guy hurt me for coming back into his territory?

I took a step back and he smiled. Ohmygosh. He’s going to kill me and he was going to enjoy it. What was I thinking?

“Hey, I remember you.” He took a step toward me.

Could he smell my fear? Oh, I hoped he couldn’t. I could only stand there and hope he had some other trait. Maybe he could talk to bugs or….oh, why did I have to come here today?

Jannette  JM Kline, Author….

JM Kline was born in Colorado, and was raised to love books by her mom, a published author. While she grew up reading many different genres, anything with paranormal or fantasy elements caught her eye most often. She grew up writing fantastic stories about Rindercella and her Prince, talking monkeys, and fairy princesses.

The Shadow Hills Shifters series is a Young Adult Paranormal series about a small town in the Rocky Mountain foothills. Shadow Hills is a small town where a pop quiz could include multiple choice, essays, or a sudden battle with your best friend!

When she isn’t writing, JM spends her time with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two rambunctious dogs.

See more about JM Kline and her books at


Links to JM’s website, blog, books, etc.

Visit me and sign up to receive blog updates at my website,

My holiday short story, The Christmas Shift, is FREE on Kindle through December 19th 2013, so pick it up!

The first book in my series, Shifting Dreams, is only $3.99 on Kindle.


**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  JM will give away one #FREE signed copy of SHIFTING DREAMS to one of her lucky readers who comments on her Monday Interview or Wednesday Book Bench blogs!!  Don’t miss this chance to read this story!!  Thanks, JM, for sharing your stories with us!

Karen’s Killer Book Bench: Shifting Dreams by JM Kline


Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench where, every Wednesday, readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!




Book Blurb

The town of Shadow Hills has secrets.

Nestled in the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains lays the town of Shadow Hills. Driving through, you would never suspect the town’s inhabitants have secrets.

Tessa’s is the biggest secret the town’s seen in a century.

Tessa Brooks has lived all her life in Shadow Hills. She’s always thought she was just another ordinary girl. She is wrong.

When her parents reveal the town’s Big Secret the day before she’s supposed to start high school, she thinks it’s the worst thing that could ever happen to her…and that’s when things get even weirder.

The question is…is Tessa up for the task at hand?

Tessa tries to balance high school, family, friends, a new maybe-sort-of-boyfriend with new powers and responsibilities she’s not ready to embrace. Her life as she knows it has ended, and a new one is beginning. Whether she’s ready or not.



Thank you so much for having me on your blog this week, Karen! I am so excited to share with you my book, Shifting Dreams.

As my first full-length story, Shifting Dreams has taken me a while to write, but I feel it’s been well worth the wait. Tessa’s story came to me in a dream, and I knew I had to share it.

As adults, we sometimes forget what it was like to go through high school, worrying about what other people think about us, worrying about what’s going to happen after high school, or just plain worrying. I thought it might be interesting (okay, I have to admit I had fun with this) putting a teenager into yet another volatile situation: learning she isn’t actually human after all.

I had a lot of fun writing this book, and I hope everyone has a lot of fun reading it.

ON TO THE EXCERPT!  Tessa has just been told that she is a shape shifter. After talking with her best friend about it, she is wrought with worry. Read on to find out how she deals with this worry….

I sighed and left. When I crawled into bed that night, my mind was racing. What was school going to be like? I’d imagined high school to be pretty similar to middle school, only a lot harder. Now I had to wonder if I would walk in to class and see an ostrich. I had no idea what to expect.

A lot of my classmates got really excited about the new werewolf movies and stuff, but I’d never been into that sort of thing. Now that seemed to be my life.

I pictured myself as a slobbering half-human monster and shuddered. Just because Mom and Dad looked like “normal” animals when they changed in front of me doesn’t mean that I was going to be as lucky. What if I changed into some human-animal monster? Good luck trying to find someone who wants to date that.

I flopped to my side and stared at my door. My whole future changed and I had no idea what I was in for. That probably explained what happened next.

I noticed the dark first. I looked around and realized I was in a cave. An eerie blue light emanated from the center, where a cluster of quartz jutted from the earth. The top was flat and almost smooth and came up to my knees.

As I walked toward the pedestal – I realized now that’s what it was – I saw more details. I could see the ceiling, the same smooth red limestone that made up the foothills around my home. I looked down and saw I wore a white linen dress and no shoes. The stone was cool on my feet. I heard a humming noise coming from all around me and looked up, searching beyond the reaches of the faint light.

Several sets of glowing eyes emerged from the dark. As my eyes adjusted, forms started to materialize. I saw my parents in their animal forms – a beaver and a golden eagle. Behind them were an owl and a deer. When I saw the bear, I thought I should be frightened, but the sight actually made me feel better, maybe even a little safer.

I stepped up onto the pedestal and knelt in the center. My knees pressed into the rough quartz and I was grateful for the linen dress I wore, even as thin as it was. I heard a shuffling, and my dad pressed his head against my hand. Feathers ruffled beside me and my mom leaned into my left side.

The humming got louder and the animals moved close to me, creating a circle. I noticed some smaller animals I hadn’t seen earlier – a snake, a fox, a ferret, and a German Shepherd.

Suddenly, I felt a searing pain that started in my toes and worked its way up through my body and exploded in my head. I cried out and the pain stopped as quickly as it started. I heard my dad’s voice. It’s over sweetheart. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. The cave had gotten bigger. Or maybe… I looked down and saw my paws –


JM Kline  Meet JM Kline, Author….

JM Kline was born in Colorado, and was raised to love books by her mom, a published author. While she grew up reading many different genres, anything with paranormal or fantasy elements caught her eye most often. She grew up writing fantastic stories about Rindercella and her Prince, talking monkeys, and fairy princesses.

JM Kline brings a fresh voice in the Young Adult scene. She writes paranormal stories about shape-shifters living in the Rocky Mountain foothills of Colorado. Her first publication is a Christmas short story, full of love, laughter, and holiday spirit. The Christmas Shift is available on for Kindle only.

When she isn’t writing, JM spends her time with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two rambunctious dogs. She enjoys reading and crocheting in her spare time.

Links to JM’s website, blog, books, etc.

BECOME A FAN! Visit JM Kline at to get updates on books, websites, blogs and much more!

Purchase The Christmas Shift, a holiday short story for Kindle:

Purchase Shifting Dreams on Amazon for Kindle on June 19, 2013 and in paperback shortly thereafter!


**SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  JM will give away a Kindle or PDF copy of her new release, SHIFTING DREAMS, reader’s choice, to one of her lucky readers who comments on either her Monday Interview or Wednesday Book Bench blogs!!  Winner will be randomly selected and announced Monday, June 24, 2013.  Thanks, JM, for sharing your stories with us!