KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH: Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench, where readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site, so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!
His Assistants Serials
At twenty-one, I was going back to school. That was what she had wanted for me. I was determined to own my own company one day. It was important to her that I finish school, and I wanted to make her proud. My father had passed away before she could tell him she was pregnant. She had given up so much to raise me alone. I knew she would have done anything for me.
The day after her funeral, I found a box in the attic with my name on it. She told me about the box the day before she passed, but I promised her I would wait to open it. When I opened the box, I found a letter on top. There was nothing that could have prepared me for what I was about to read. As I read the letter, tears fell from my eyes. I dropped the letter to the floor and tore through the box as I sobbed. My life would be changed forever. How could she have lied to me? How could the one person I trusted most have kept such a big secret from me?
There was only one person who could answer the questions I had, and I could only think of one way to get to him. I had to get a job, and there was only one company to work for. The only thing on my mind was getting answers.
One thing I didn’t need were distractions.
Then he came along.
He was tall, built, tattooed, and oh so sexy.
In a suit he looked amazing, but in jeans and a tight t-shirt he was unbelievable.
Just when I thought he couldn’t get any sexier, I saw him on his Harley.
I was in trouble.
I couldn’t keep my thoughts straight.
He was cocky, full of himself, and held my fate at the company in his hands.
One minute I couldn’t stand him, and the next I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything.
Would I be able to get the answers I desperately needed before tall, dark, and sexy turned my world upside down?
His Assistants Serials
Editorial Note: Edited for some language.
As I sat in the front row of the funeral home, I could not help but think about her life. My mom passed away just two days before. A chill ran through my body, as I sniffed in the smell that surrounded me. I was glad there were only three flower arrangements delivered. It would have been hard to get any more than that back to the house. People came in and out of the room, letting me know how sorry they were. They all stood around telling stories about my mom. The entire room acted as if they knew her so well. She had been such a good friend to each of them, they claimed. I had to laugh, as I listened to the bullshit going on around me. None of them knew her. Not a single one of them were there for her. I can’t remember any of them offering to help through those two long, painful years. If they were such good friends, where the f**k were they when we needed them?
My mom was an amazing woman. She was a single mom at only twenty. I have no idea how she raised me alone. My father passed away in a car accident before she even had the chance to tell him she was pregnant. She admitted that I was a product of a one night stand but still planned on letting him know. There were no pictures of him for her to show me, and she didn’t really know anything about him. My birth certificate did not list anyone as my father. How sad, right?
I always loved to watch my friends with their dads and wished I could have met mine. I was always Brooke Smith, the little girl without a father. There were so many kids in the world with only one parent, but all of my friends had two.
My mom worked her ass off making sure I had what I needed. Sure we struggled all the time, but she made sure I had the necessities. I knew there were times she went without so that I could have something I really wanted. She had more than one job at a time for as long as I could remember. I knew she was often tired, but she never let it show. Dinner was always ready. I might have had to heat it up, but it was there each day when I got home from school. Thinking back, I didn’t ever remember her dating. She was always so busy working and raising me. It was just the two of us, but we made it work.
When I was fourteen, we moved to Michigan. That was where my mom’s parents lived. We had only visited a few times when I was younger, so I didn’t really know them very well. I talked to them on the phone sometimes, but that was about it. They seemed nice enough. We moved into their house with them. My mom said she wanted to be there to help them, because they were getting older. I really think she was tired of working so hard, and it was cheaper to live there. They were very loving right from the start. My grandmother made sure I ate well and rode me every day about my homework. It was nice to have two more people to love.
Everything was great for four years. My mom worked one job, so I was able to see her more. It was nice to see her with her parents. They seemed so happy to have her home. I often wondered why she moved away in the first place. Mom always said it was better for us to live in Florida. I thought it would have been better with them. She must have had her reasons, right?
My high school years were great. Keeping my grades up was difficult, but I did it and was looking forward to college. I wanted to go into business and planned to eventually own my own company. Working for someone else didn’t appeal to me at all. It felt good planning for the future. I would be able to take care of my mom one day. Then she wouldn’t have to work. She would be able to do all of the things she never had time for while she was raising me. I had been accepted to University of Michigan. It was going to be awesome to live in the dorms and be on my own.
Two days after my graduation, my grandparents were killed in a car accident. They were hit by a drunk driver who had crossed over the line. I never understood how people could make such bad decisions. Why risk other people’s lives? I get that they want to drink, but why get behind the wheel of a car? My mom had a very hard time with their death. I did too. She felt bad for not being there for them before and regretted staying away for so long. It was horrible. I had just gotten to know them. They were such wonderful, caring people. I really missed them and always would. It would have been nice to have known them longer. We should have been there.
They willed the house to my mom and me. We wanted to stay there. It was where she had grown up and where I had gotten to know them. I decided to stay home and commute to school, so my mom wouldn’t be alone. It wouldn’t have been that long of a drive each day, but my mom was adamant that I still dorm my first year. She didn’t want me to miss out on experiencing the fun side of college life. I knew I would make sure to go home most weekends. It was going to be strange being away from her.
I jumped when I felt someone touch my leg. It was the funeral director. I had almost forgotten where I was. It was easy to block out all of the noise around me. I wanted the day to be over more than you can imagine. It was so hard to sit there while everyone talked about my mom like they knew her. They were all going to leave that day and go on with their lives. By the time they got home, they would be done thinking about her and be busy thinking about what they were going to make for dinner. She deserved better than that. I was relieved when the director asked me to go into his office to sign something. It was tiring being around all of the fake people surrounding my mom’s ashes, pretending to care.
The viewing would be over in fifteen minutes. Then, I would take my mom’s urn and ashes home where they belonged. Before she passed, we agreed to only one day of visitation. I wanted her to have a large funeral and burial, but she refused to agree with me. She wanted to be cremated and have just a short visitation. I know she thought it would be easier for me. After sitting all day in a room full of strangers, I had to agree with her. She always knew what was best.
I know it wasn’t fair of me to think negatively about all of the people who came to pay their respects, but that didn’t change the way I felt. She had worked with some of them. A few of them were my grandparents’ friends. Some of my mom’s high school friends came. I’m not sure how they found out. I didn’t put anything in the paper. My mom was strict on her direction for that. It was not to happen. I couldn’t figure out why. Again, I’m sure she had her reasons.
She was never one to explain her feelings over decisions she made. All she ever said was “I have my reasons.”
When the last person left, I was so relieved. It had finally ended. Everything that I had known for so long was over. What was I going to do with my life?
Links to Sharon’s websites, blogs, books, #ad etc.:
His Assistant Part 1 Purchase Link:
Sharon Cummin Amazon Link:
Sharon Cummin Facebook Page:
Sharon Cummin Newsletter Link:
Happy Reading!
Thanks, Sharon, for sharing your book with us!
Don’t miss the chance to read this book!
The story sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing!
So glad you like the sound of it. It’s been one of my favorites to write.
Thank you for sharing. I’m hooked and want more of your intriguing story.
I so hope you like it. It’s definitely a favorite of mine.
Oh man! More!
Nice to meet you, Sharon. Signed up for your newsletter.
Thanks, Sharon and Karen
This sounds great – what a tease about mom’s secrets and why she didn’t want announcements! 😉
Can’t wait to read that book I printed copy, from the excerpt it sounds and looks like a real winner
Thank you so so so much for sharing my book on your awesome blog.
Sharon <3
You’re welcome, Sharon. It sounds like such an amazing story. Can’t wait to read it!
Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench, Sharon. I loved the excerpt and getting a peek into your heroine’s background and the changes she’s about to face. I can’t wait to read more! Thanks for sharing your book with us today!
Enjoyed the post would love to read more of it!
I’ll try and check this out. The ‘blurb’ sucked me in!