Karen’s Diary Drop-In ~ 09-13-12

[[Welcome to my weekly writer’s diary where I’ll share my “Woot Woot!” moments and the not so “woot woot” moments of my writing world. And, yes, I might even share the occasional musing or two about reading and writing, two of my favorite things!]]


Dear Diary,

            It’s Thursday ~ 09/13/12 ~ and…

I’ve had a major Woot Woot week.  It more than made up for last week’s computer meltdown (my trauma is recorded in all its glory in my last Diary Drop-In if you happened to miss it).  It was going to take me a looooong to get over that series of events…I thought.  Who could have known I’d be riding the fantasy train into this week with three spectacular Amazon *free* days for SATIN PLEASURES!

I’ve had a couple of freebie giveaways since SATIN PLEASURES was released exclusively with Amazon in February, and I can’t complain about how they went. A number of readers were able to pick up Dan’s & Tess’s story both times, and I was thrilled.  This book has lived in my heart…and my desk drawer…for years. I’ve been dying to share it with readers, it seems, forever.  When I decided to sponsor one last giveaway before taking the book into other formats, I didn’t know what to expect. I couldn’t have planned for what actually happened.

As many of you know, my original book cover just wasn’t connecting with readers. So, with the help of a fabulously talented friend, I spiffed it up.  This giveaway, which I launched on Thursday’s blog, officially debuted the new cover and it became clear, very quickly, how important book covers are to readers.  The newly minted cover finally hit the mark, it fit my story, and I was happy to see the book start flying off the cyber shelves.

Then Pixels of Ink hit.

Can we say STUNNED? I was leaving my Just Write session with my critique partners that day when one of them stopped me to say she was reading about MY BOOK on that day’s Pixels of Ink highlights. Can we say STUNNED? After that, I could only stare at the numbers climb until SATIN PLEASURES hit #1 on Kindles Best Selling Free Sales for all fiction as well as romance. It stayed up there for two solid days.  Can we say STUNNED?


It was one of the weirdest, most awesome, freakiest, and spectacular experiences of my career. I wanted to shout my glee to the world, and I felt positively obnoxious doing so.  I’d like to think I’m not the only one who straddles that fence. Writers tend to be introverts.  Many of us don’t feel comfortable promoting our own work.  Oh, we do what we need to do.  It’s the business end of writing and can’t be ignored.  I do enjoy tooting the horn for my fellow authors.  But, personally?  I’d rather sit in front of my computer and just write, make up my stories for my readers, and chat with my Facebook and Twitters friends about books and my favorite giggles of the day.

Things like this don’t happen often in a writer’s life so I’m grateful for the experience and, yes, I’m still feeling all warm and fuzzy inside knowing my story is on so many Kindles across the world.  I’m aware the new cover was the biggest factor in reader downloads. It truly is a wonderful cover and catches the eye so readers will take a peek at what’s inside.  With any luck, a number of my new readers will enjoy Dan’s and Tess’s story.  I’m hopeful some will even post a review on Amazon and other venues. Even better, enjoy my writing enough to want to pick up my next story.

My writing life returned to some semblance of normal on Sunday when SATIN PLEASURES strutted off its freebie pedestal.  It came off KDP Select (exclusivity) on Monday and I’m now preparing to make it available in other formats. I’ll announce those formats on Facebook and Twitter as they become available. Hopefully, before my next Diary Drop-In, I’ll have it up everywhere.

In the midst of all this broohaha, I also debuted the book cover for KILLING SECRETS, the first of my Thorne’s Thorns romantic suspense series. I’m working hard to finish the book for release within the month. If you happened to miss the cover, here’s another look. For peeks into the story as I write it check out my new Tuesday blog feature, Novel Gems. The book cover blurb is also up on my website at www.karendocter.com. I can’t wait to share Patrick and Rachel’s story with you!

Needless to say, my blast of writing demands I put the last corner of my office renovation on hold. Much as I want to get it finished…finally…I’d rather get KILLING SECRETS out to readers. I’m getting a number of requests to write faster. 🙂  It’s not like the paint is going anywhere and it’s been sitting here a while already.  Right?

I’m also working hard preparing for a bookstore booksigning on September 29th and another at the Colorado Romance Writers Tea for readers and librarians in October. I’m scheduled to teach my 4-week plotting workshop, The “W” Plot…Or The Other White Meat For Plotters, next month too.  I’ll talk about all of these events on my next diary entry.

See you next Thursday for another rousing entry in Karen’s Diary Drop-In….


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: 25-Minute Beef & Salsa Burritos

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy.  It might be a main course recipe.  A cookie or baked item.  Candy.  Salads.  Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is 25-MINUTE BEEF & SALSA BURRITOS.

An easy meal that satisfies the entire family. This recipe can also be adjusted for a variety of different flavors. See note at bottom of recipe. A perfect meal when you need to get dinner on the table quickly.

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 54 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.



[Serves 8]

1 ¼ lbs. ground beef
1 ½ T. chili powder
½ tsp. ground cumin
1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach,thawed and well drained
1 ¼ cups prepared chunky salsa
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
8 medium flour tortillas, warmed

In large non-stick skillet, brown ground beef.  Pour off drippings.  Season beef with chili powder, cumin, ½ tsp. salt and ¼ tsp. pepper.  Stir in spinach and salsa; heat through.  Remove from heat; stir in cheese.  Spoon ½ cup beef mixture in center of tortilla.

NOTE: Not a fan of spinach in your burritos? Replace with well drained can of red, black or pinto beans.

Karen’s Diary Drop-In ~ 09-06-12

[[Welcome to my weekly writer’s diary where I’ll share my “Woot Woot!” moments and the not so “woot woot” moments of my writing world. And, yes, I might even share the occasional musing or two about reading and writing, two of my favorite things!]]


Dear Diary,

            It’s Thursday ~ 09/06/12 ~ and…

It’s been a long, hard week since I last checked in. For those of you who join me daily on FB and Twitter, you know of what I speak! 🙂

As I write this, I’m coming down from a traumatic couple of days when I thought I’d lost the last 10 years of computer files. First, you all have to understand, I’m a self-taught computer “whiz” ~ NOT!  I have spent the last ten years learning whatever I need just when I need it. Nothing more, nothing less. I’ve had numerous computer crashes, been cobbled together by experts, and toddled off after each event a little wiser.

I have learned a lot.  I know about flash drives and CDs and sending files to my internet Inboxes.  I feel secure in my daily computer knowledge.  I hadn’t, however, found the optimum solution to my long term file storage. It takes TIME to save files every day so, no, I’m not as faithful as I know I need to be, and I’m just frugal enough — okay, I’ll say it, c.h.e.a.p. — that I haven’t broken down to get the external drive my son-in-law’s been recommending so my files are saved automatically.

Which brings me to my recent disaster. Someone told me about Dropbox. It seemed like the ultimate solution. Not only would everything be saved automatically but it would be saved off-site so I’d be covered in case of a fire or lightning strike (had one recently that fried all of my computers and modems ~ hmmm, discerning the pattern of electronic disasters littering my background yet? 🙂 ).

Did I mention the “free” part in this life-changing decision? Frugal woman I am — yeah, yeah, c.h.e.a.p., it’s a life choice and a virtue, you know — I promptly signed up for my own Dropbox account and happily started dragging files off my laptop into the abyss of security.

“Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!”

I wish Robby, the Robot had been in my office on Tuesday. He might not have saved my sanity but I might have paused a second or two before gutting my whole career.  An exaggeration, I know, but it did feel that way. Anyway, I was an “overzealous” (the word my daughter used with a straight face when she came to rescue her sobbing mother after a frantic 911 call) dragster, I’d bypassed the “free” space limits of the program, and my computer went into catatonic shock trying to process 58,000 files. Really. 58,000! I’ve been my own businesswoman for years. Can anyone say, “Meltdown!”? Me, not the computer. Okay, yes, the computer, too, but mine was a lot messier and rippled like the aftershocks of an 8.5 earthquake.

Thankfully, my daughter is smart, knows her stuff, and is ever willing to fix her mother’s computer mishaps with a smile and a tone that soothes the savage beast that bore her. She found ALL of my missing files — they had been deleted — and told me how to recover them all.  It’s going to take me a week to get them all loaded back on my computer. As I’m doing this around everything else, I’m going to finally do what I should have done in the first place. I’m getting an external hard drive. It should arrive about the time I finish saving my career.

The moral of this story? Don’t ask me how anything works on your computer. Don’t listen to anything I say or recommend.  And, don’t let me anywhere near your office equipment. One touch and it’s bound to go kablooie!

And that’s just two days out of my week…tired yet? 🙂 No?  Then, onward ho…!

I completed another section of my office renovation. One last corner to go, probably the hardest since it includes a built-in shelving unit. Straight walls are so much easier.  Can’t wait to finish. Been long time coming.  A friend asked me what was taking me so long to post pictures. 🙂  A valid question.  The truth is this house is as old as I am, literally. The walls are all bare wood, never been painted. So, it’s at least one coat of primer and two coats of paint. I’m actively working in the office so it has to be dismantled and set back up in sections before I can move on or do my daily work. Did I mention the house is as old as I am, and I’m no spring chicken. Needless to say, both of us need refreshing. 🙂 Here’s hoping I’ll have complete pictures next week!

SATIN PLEASURES went “live” with a new cover and smaller size as a paperback on Amazon this week. I’m thrilled with how it turned out.  You might be wondering why I’m making these changes now. The truth is both digital and paperback versions have been exclusive to Amazon almost from its release in February. I was dying to make some changes to the book presentation itself, so it made sense to do it when I was ready to make it available in other venues. I’ll announce the releases as they are available in the next couple of weeks.

And finally, to celebrate, SATIN PLEASURES will be **FREE** on Kindle for THREE FINAL DAYS…beginning 12:00 AM Pacific time today, Thursday, September 6th, and running through 11:59 PM Saturday, September 8th. Feel free to spread the word to your friends.  Happy Reading!!

So much for my promise to keep these short and sweet. Did I scare you off yet?  If not, I’ll see you next Thursday for another rousing entry in Karen’s Diary Drop-In….


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Vanilla [Chocolate] Caramels

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy.  It might be a main course recipe.  A cookie or baked item.  Candy.  Salads.  Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is VANILLA [CHOCOLATE] CARAMELS

I love caramels.  Homemade caramels are the bomb…and so much easier to make than you would think. This makes a great Christmas gift for friends, family and neighbors. A special treat that only you will give them. Make several batches of each. Your family will snatch up quite a few before you get any into gift tins. 🙂 

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 53 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.



[2 pounds]

2 cups sugar
1/3 cup butter
2 cups warm light cream
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup light corn syrup
½ cup nutmeats
½ tsp. salt

Mix sugar, 1 cup of the cream, corn syrup and salt in large saucepan.  Cook, stirring about 10 minutes.  Add remaining cream very slowly so mixture doesn’t stop boiling.  Cook 5 minutes longer.  Stir in butter, 1 tsp. at a time.  Cook slowly, stirring until 248 degrees registers on candy thermometer.  Remove from heat; add vanilla and nuts and mix gently.  Pour into buttered 8-inch square pan and cool.  Turn out on board, mark off ¾-inch squares and cut.  Wrap in wax paper.


[2 pounds]

Follow recipe above, adding 3-4 oz. (squares) unsweetened chocolate to mixture before cooking.

Karen’s Diary Drop-In ~ 08-30-12

[[Welcome to my weekly writer’s diary where I’ll share my “Woot Woot!” moments and the not so “woot woot” moments of my writing world. And, yes, I might even share the occasional musing or two about reading and writing, two of my favorite things!]]


Dear Diary,

            It’s Thursday ~ 08/30/12 ~ and…

It’s been a busy week since I last checked in. Too bad most of it was not writing! As you read this though, I’m making up for it at a Just Write session with my critique buddies.

I can’t tell you how much I LOVE my buds! We call ourselves “We Are Scripsi” and when the five of us meet on Thursdays for Just Write, that’s what we do…simply write…all…day. No phones. No families. No jobs. No…well, sometimes one or two of us can’t step away from those things every week, but we do try! 🙂 There’s something about getting together to write that creates an energy in the room.  It also helps to schedule regular writing time. We might chat for half hour or so, but when 9:00 a.m. comes around, we buckle down. If we get no other writing done rest of the week, we really cook on Thursdays. I’ve set myself a deadline to finish KILLING SECRETS by end of September so I need to get cracking!

I hope you caught my interview on Saturday, August 25th, at The Reading Cafe ~ http://thereadingcafe.com/.  There was a review for SATIN PLEASURES posted, too ~ a wonderful review!  Reviewer, Barb, enjoyed it.  Made my day, my month. 🙂 I gave away copies of the book to two commenters. FRAN and ENI won!

As planned, I finished up the ceiling paint in my office, as well as another short wall that’s been keeping me from moving my desks around. I love the color.  It’s Emperor Gold. Bright. Vibrant. Sunny. I have windows in my basement office but I feel like I’m out in the sunshine whenever I walk into the room now. The color will be a nice backdrop for the rich colors in the oriental art & decor I’ve set aside just for this room.  Spent yesterday dumping boxes and debris out of my office so I could move furniture. I’m now the proud owner of a finished corner of an office. Hey! It’s one corner more than I had last week! Since I have all of the boxes, etc. in another room, I’m going to leave them there until I get the last wall painted. Hoping to report next week that it’s done!

Here’s a sneak peek of my little corner. Not finished putting items on the chocolate-colored cork board. Also need to finish computer set up, another reason I’m not moving boxes of books back under my desk. Forgot this 56-year-old house has no 3-prong outlets. Moved desks on opposite side of room and my dear husband needs to get me a new outlet like the one he fixed for me in old location. Will take more pics as I get things finished up. I’m on a roll!

Last night, I received the proof for my paperback version of SATIN PLEASURES. Soon as it’s approved, I can go “live” with the new paperback. Can’t wait! I love the smaller size and the new cover. Love holding it in my hand.

Okay, that’s it for now, short and sweet this time, just as I promised.

See you next Thursday for another rousing entry in Karen’s Diary Drop-In….


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Farm-Style Cinnamon Rolls

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy.  It might be a main course recipe.  A cookie or baked item.  Candy.  Salads.  Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is FARM-STYLE CINNAMON ROLLS.

For those of us who’ve been around awhile, you’ll recognize this recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls. I remember it being a special treat when mom would buy those “new” frozen loaves of bread. (Yeah, yeah, I just aged myself more than a little bit. 🙂 ) I have fond memories of the way these smelled baking, the anticipation.  They couldn’t come out of the oven fast enough for me. They certainly disappeared fast enough…all hot and gooey and…hmmmm, I think I need to make a grocery run!

(As I began this post, it occurred to me to doublecheck whether you can still buy frozen loaves in the stores. Haven’t made these in a while.  Panicked a bit when I couldn’t find any online at my local grocers ~ although they may have them ~ however, did find them at WalMart so we’re still safe. Whew! Crisis averted.  I would be so sad not to share this fond memory with you today.)

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 52 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.



[Makes 12]

1 loaf frozen white bread
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup white (granulated) sugar
¼ cup butter, melted
1 tsp. cinnamon

Thaw white bread and let raise until double.  Brush 8 x 10-inch or 9 x 9-inch pan with 1 T. butter.  Roll out dough to 10 x 14-inch rectangle.  Brush with 2 T. butter.  Sprinkle with sugars and cinnamon.  Roll up starting on 14-inch side.  Cut roll with sharp knife (or nylon string) into 12 pieces. Place, cut side down, in buttered pan.  Brush with remaining butter.  Cover, let rise in warm place until light, 45-60 minutes.  Baked in a 375 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.  Immediately turn out onto wire rack covered with waxed paper.  Frost.

NOTE: I also enjoy sprinkling raisins and walnuts or pecans with the sugars and cinnamon.

Karen’s Diary Drop-In ~ 08-23-12


[[Welcome to my weekly writer’s diary where I’ll share my “Woot Woot!” moments and the not so “woot woot” moments of my writing world. And, yes, I might even share the occasional musing or two about reading and writing, two of my favorite things!]]


Dear Diary,

            It’s Thursday ~ 08/23/12 ~ and…

Had a marvelous time escaping to the mountains last weekend with my family. We haven’t had a chance to camp all summer. Was beginning to think we might not make it at all this year. Only had one night out and didn’t get in any fishing, but it was great to get out of my office and into the fresh air.

Did wonders for my muse!  Pesky thing frolicked into the forest and took a character with her who was standing in the way of a scene I couldn’t quite write. It was tough letting Jack (hero’s cop brother) toddle off but it was for the best. I know he’ll be back for his own book, 3rd in the Thorne’s Thorns series.  Just wish I didn’t have to keep pushing him off the page. I’m soooo in love with him already!  Anyway, my hero and heroine are now talking to each other without the buffer. The scene was simply too cluttered with people! Didn’t finish the scene because the battery died on my laptop but know it’s working and it will finish up cleaner when I can tackle it again.

I didn’t mind too much that the battery died. It allowed me to enjoy some quality time with my husband, my middle daughter and husband and their little girls.  It was the first camping experience for both my newest granddaughter and our puppy. They both did beautifully. I see more camping trips in their future.  Of course, the eight-year-old already loves camping. She hit the trails with Grandpa whenever she could talk him into taking her. And we all tried a S’more’s Sundae (basically S’more’s in a sugar cone, all melted togther), a recipe we spotted on Pinterest. Something that didn’t require a fire…we’ve had enough of those in Colorado this year, so we ran a “cold” camp and used the trailer stove. It was fun and tasty, but doesn’t replace toasted marshmallow s’mores.

Last week, I debuted my new book cover for SATIN PLEASURES on Kindle. Today, as you read this, I’m tearing my gray hairs out reformatting the paperback version. What can I say? I’m a multi-tasker! Those gray hairs need reformatting, too!  Since I decided to change up the cover, it just made sense (at the time ~ today I’m ambivalent 🙂 ) to go ahead and reformat the book size.  I’m not overly fond of the trade paperback size and want my books to fit in my hands like traditional paperbacks. This means I have to make the type smaller but that’s okay. Should be able to do it without increasing the price on the book. At least, that’s the plan. In practice…? Guess we’ll see! With any luck, I’ll have this baby back up on Amazon soon.

I have an interview that will be posted this Saturday, August 25th, at The Reading Café << http://thereadingcafe.com/ >> Hope you’ll check it out! Hope they liked SATIN PLEASURES, which they’re also reviewing. Nervous much? Hmmm, no, I always have this twitch! At least, I will…until Sunday. 🙂

This weekend, I hope to finish up the ceiling paint in my office, as well as another short wall that’s been keeping me from moving my desks around. Been up to my eyebrows in office debris for months and I need to get organization out of this chaos. It’s making my Type-A personality a bit crazy. So distracting! When I get things moved around, I’ll have one last wall to paint (buried right now behind my desk and treadmill) and I can start decorating.  Can’t wait to take pictures to share my oasis!

Okay, that’s it for now. Doesn’t sound like I’ve been working all that hard but there it is, short and sweet, just as I promised last week. (Yeah, yeah, I know it’s not that short! It’s shorter than last week so I’m satisfied. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know! 🙂 )

See you next Thursday for another rousing entry in Karen’s Diary Drop-In….


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s: Fried Catfish with Toasted Walnuts

  It’s time for Karen’s Killer Fixin’s!

Over the years, I’ve filled two 4-inch, 3-ring binders with my own creations as well as recipes my family and friends were willing to share with me.  I simply love to cook and want to share that love with my readers.

So every Friday, I share one recipe I think you and your family might enjoy.  It might be a main course recipe.  A cookie or baked item.  Candy.  Salads.  Whatever strikes my eye and fancy…which today is FRIED CATFISH WITH TOASTED WALNUTS.

We all know fried foods  are not particularly good for us, however, like any other food moderation is the key. This really is a delicious meal and a great way to ensure your family eats fish, which I think takes a little of the sting out of the “fried” aspect of this dish. Personally, catfish is one of my particular favorites. I enjoy the mild flavor ~ it’s not as “fishy” tasting as a lot of other varieties. I love the more “meaty” texture.  Like most fish, catfish can be cooked with a lot of different flavors.

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 51 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


[Serves 4]

½ cup flour
1 T. paprika
¼ tsp. dried thyme
¾ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. cayenne
½ cup milk
2 T. vegetable oil
4 catfish fillets (about 5 oz. each)
2 T. butter
1/3 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped
1/8 tsp. black pepper
2 T. chopped parsley
1 T. lemon juice

In shallow dish, whisk flour, paprika, thyme, ½ tsp. of the salt and 1/8 tsp. of the cayenne.  Place milk in another shallow dish.  Set both aside.

In large nonstick skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of the oil over medium-high heat.  Dip fillets in the milk and shake off the excess.  Dredge fillets in the four and place in a single layer in the skillet.  Cook for about 5-6 minutes, turning halfway through cooking time or until golden brown.  Repeat, using remaining oil as needed.  Remove to plate lined with paper towels; keep warm.

Wipe out skillet; melt butter over medium heat.  Add walnuts, remaining cayenne and salt, and the black pepper. Cook, stirring frequently until nuts are fragrant about 2-3 minutes.  Take off the heat.  Stir in parsley and lemon juice.  To serve, spoon equal amount of nut mixture over each fillet.

Serve with steamed snow peas and sautéed sweet peppers, if desired. This dish also goes well with brown or wild rice.

Karen’s Diary Drop-In ~ 08-14-12

Dear Diary,

            It’s Thursday ~ 08/16/12 ~ and…


This is the first entry in my new weekly writer’s diary where I’ll share my “Woot Woot!” moments and the not so “woot woot” moments of my writing world. And, yes, I might even share the occasional musing or two about reading and writing, two of my favorite things!

I’ve been missing the personal touch on my blog lately. Don’t get me wrong. I love highlighting the fantastic array of authors and books I’ve been sharing on Mondays and Wednesdays. But I also enjoy sharing bits and pieces about me with readers. After all, you are one of the main reasons why I write…well, except for that whole “can’t breathe unless I’m writing” thing!

For those who have followed me any length of time, you know I used to have a Musings newsletter.  However, I tend to write “long” – I was one of those nasty students who wrote ten pages for every five page essay assigned in school – and found I was spending more time fiddling with my Musings than my books. I went from weekly musings to monthly articles to quarterly to…well, let’s just say I eventually set my newsletter aside and toddled off into the sunset of good intentions.

Yes, it had to be done.  In the past year, I’ve regained my momentum and published my first book. I finally joined the real world of social media and met a bunch of wonderful new friends on Facebook and Twitter. I’m still missing my personal chats with readers though, so I started wondering – a dangerous thing – how can I reconnect with my readers but not get so carried away it takes me three days to share what’s on my mind?

Voila! My answer is this diary. I had one growing up. I kept it locked and hidden from my sisters so they couldn’t read it. Of course, I want you to read this one! 🙂  A diary doesn’t allow much room which is why it’s the perfect solution to my need to share while also curbing my need to expound.

Yeah, yeah! I know I’m expounding! But this entry is the first and demands explanation, and I promise to keep it short and sweet next week. Maybe! I’ve called this feature “Diary Drop-In” as much for my benefit as yours.  Drop-In suggests short and sweet. Here’s hoping I can convince my brain in the weeks to come! 🙂

Okay, what’s been happening this past week in my writing world…?

For those who haven’t come across my multitude of posts on Facebook and Twitter, I was thrilled to release a new book cover for SATIN PLEASURES, my romantic comedy released on Amazon in February 2012.  I liked my original cover well enough. At the time I thought I needed an illustrated cover to get the cutesy feel I wanted. In truth, though, the cover just didn’t quite hit the mark with readers.  Not like the story did anyway. So, with a kick-in-the-pants from my critique partners, I redesigned the cover. I love, love, LOVE my new cover and hope readers like it as well. Just in case you missed it….

As one of my favorite country music artists asks, “How do you like me now?” 🙂  I still need to reformat the paperback version of the book with the new cover but that’s a project for this next week.

Many of you know I also started a new blog feature on Tuesdays called “Novel Gems”, sharing bits and pieces from my current project. It’s been fun and you seem to enjoy them so those will continue.

I also finished up two interviews this past week. One will post on August 25th at The Reading Café << http://thereadingcafe.com/ >> along with a review of SATIN PLEASURES.  Yes, I’m sitting on pins and needles about that one! Will they like the book? Ack. The angst of a writer!  My second interview isn’t scheduled yet but check out Mary Metcalfe: Lakefront Muse at http://lakefrontmuse.blogspot.com/ to take a peek at her fun site.

I’ve set myself a deadline to finish the first of my Thorne’s Thorns series books, KILLING SECRETS, around the end of September. I need to write 1,550 words a day for next 32 days to get the approximate word count remaining or 2,175 words a day if I only work weekdays. The first word count is more reasonable considering my schedule, however, I know I tend to “live” on weekends and don’t get much writing done. Guess we’ll all see how I do, huh?

Speaking of which, I need to get back to work! See you next week with a much shorter Diary Drop-In….


Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special** with Ashlynne Laynne


  Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **AUTHOR SPECIAL**

Welcome to my Friday bonus feature called Karen’s Killer Fixin’s **Author Special**!!  Today, in lieu of one of my own recipes, I’m going to introduce you to a new author who will share one of her recipes. Not only will you and I occasionally learn how to make something new and delicious, but we’ll get a chance to check out some wonderful authors.

Introducing author, ASHLYNNE LAYNNE, and her favorite recipe for SAUSAGE-CHEESE BALLS!


ASHLYNNE ~~First off, I’d like to thank Karen for hosting me again. I enjoy cooking and sharing recipes with others. After I tell you a bit about my latest release, Blood Bonds, I’m going to share a recipe from the Bisquick Cookbook for Sausage-Cheese Balls. This appetizer has been a holiday favorite and tradition in my family, and it’s super simple to make.

Blood Bonds Blurb (The Progeny Series #2)

“Forever. For always. For eternity.”

The ties that bind two hearts are powerful. For Ascher Rousseau and Shauna McCutchin, it’s more than just a blood bond. Their union is that of vampire legend. Their love is a predestined prophecy foretold centuries ago.

It’s a week before Ascher and Shauna’s sealing and the couple is making final preparations for their eternity, but Ascher’s ex has other plans. Ursula is hell-bent on revenge—revenge fueled by lover’s scorn and her father’s death—and she begins breeding a fresh army of newborn darklings to do her bidding.

When Ursula finds a new weapon—an ally with the capability to dismantle the Rousseau clan— Ascher and Shauna’s bond is tested and they must stand together against Ursula or lose each other for eternity.

  About the author, Ashlynne Laynne….

Ashlynne Laynne has always had a soft spot in her heart for vampires but grew tired of the garlic fearing, sun-loathing creatures of old. An avid horror movie fan, she tends to enjoy media and music that is of a younger, more eclectic nature. This was the catalyst for her writing The Progeny. The vampire/witch pairing is unique and different when most books pair vampires with werewolves.

Ashlynne loves writing on the edge and teetering between the erotica and romance genres, and thinks of Ascher and Shauna as the wicked, damned version of Romeo and Juliet. She is currently working on books three and four of her Progeny Series, book one of her upcoming Rocker Series, and an untitled novella WIP. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading and spending time with her family. She juggles the hats of wife, mother, full time employee and part-time writer, hoping to write full time one day soon.

Ashlynne lives in North Carolina with her husband and teenage son.

Connect with Ashlynne….

Buy the Progeny Series!!

I hope you enjoy today’s Killer Fixin’s.  Happy eating!


P.S.  We’re at 50 recipes and counting with this posting.  Hope you find some recipes you like. If this is your first visit, please check out past blogs for more Killer Fixin’s. In the right hand column menu, you can even look up past recipes by type. i.e. Desserts, Breads, Beef, Chicken, Soups, Author Specials, etc.


Sausage-Cheese Balls (From the Bisquick Cookbook)
Makes about 8 ½ dozen

3 cups Original Bisquick
1 pound uncooked bulk pork sausage
4 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (16 oz)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup milk
½ teaspoon dried rosemary leaves
1 ½ teaspoons chopped fresh parsley or ½ teaspoon flakes

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a jellyroll pan. Stir all ingredients until they are mixed well, and you may have to use your hands. Shape mixture into 1 inch balls and place in pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until brown. Immediately remove from pan and serve warm.


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