Karen’s Killer Book Bench: DOMINIC #Workplace #Romance by S.L. Carpenter

KAREN’S KILLER BOOK BENCH: Welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench, where readers can discover talented new authors and take a peek inside their wonderful books. This is not an age-filtered site, so all book peeks are PG-13 or better. Come back and visit often. Happy reading!


Workplace Romance


Dominic spends his life helping others, but he’s about to learn that finding someone special is how he helps himself.

On a small side street in New Orleans is a discreet gentlemen’s club. If you ask around, most people have heard of K’s. A small place with great food, and where pleasure is on offer, either for a meal or for the night. Behind its doors, the women working there feel safe, have control over their clientele, and their decisions are final. They know the manager, Dominic, will always stand between them and any trouble that might come their way.

He is a bit of a mystery. His past is murky, but his devotion to owner Kay Rhodes, and every single one of her employees, is undeniable. He cares for each member like “family”, so when trouble strikes, he’s there protecting those he considers his own.

Dominic doesn’t spend much time thinking about what might be missing in his life, until fate drops a beautiful woman into his world at just the right time. He will need her help to face the drama and chaos that lie ahead, and also to show him that there’s a simple way to fill the emptiness that haunts him…


Workplace Romance


He heard very little from Kay. She had left for her trip and every now and again she sent postcards of the places she’d been. He still kept everything on the quiet side, and told everyone to not bother Kay. He had promised her everything would be taken care of, and he’d keep that promise.

Although, in a way he was lying because the future wasn’t promised, and he had no control over it. But he made sure that things were put in place with Morris and Amber to keep the business as normal as possible. They had Kay’s number if anything happened.

His relationship with Amber was actually better than he believed it could be, given everything that was going on. She was a good woman, strong, smart, and talented, and she loved Mexican food as much as he did. Being steady and so involved with someone was something he always thought wouldn’t be in the cards for him. Life was funny sometimes, and this was typical. He made a point of doing his best to enjoy himself and his friends; the calm before the storm.

About Author S.L. Carpenter…

S.L. Carpenter is a born and raised Californian. And yes, he IS a guy in case you were wondering. The creative gene got a double whammy when he came along, since in addition to writing wickedly warped stories, he’s also the creator of countless magnificent cover art images. Both skills travel comfortably together with him wherever he goes, since not only do readers recognize his name from his off-beat backlist of nearly thirty novels, but writers welcome him as a friend who clothes their ‘children’ and helps sell their books.

Married to the same wonderful woman for over three decades, and the father of three kids, Scott describes his wife as his “inspiration”. High praise indeed, since he’s been inspired to write some of the most unique erotic tales, ranging from the misadventures of lustful cavemen to improbable goings-on in outer space. His favorite genre is that of contemporary romance, and in that section, you’ll find humor (always), alongside a touch of heartbreak and a strong helping of redemption. And sizzling hot sex, of course. Scott’s realistic characters and unusual storylines have helped him develop a voice that stands out from the crowd. He’s not afraid to take chances, keep his characters real and deal with things like the aftereffects of burritos during intimate encounters. Yep, that’s real!


Links to S.L.’s websites, blogs, books, #ad etc.:

Amazon: https://amzn.to/4fTicoU

If you’d like to know more about S.L. Carpenter and his writing, he’d like to invite you to check out the following resources:

His website: S.L. Carpenter
(List of books, biography, odds and ends…the usual stuff, but helpful if you’re looking for anything in particular)

His Facebook page

(Feel free to “friend him” and enjoy some of the funniest stuff out there.)

When looking for (and buying) any of Scott’s books at Amazon.com, you can follow his Amazon page. It’s a great place to pick up any or all of his currently available books and being the helpful folks they are, Amazon will let you know if he has a new release you might have overlooked. 

Happy Reading!


Thanks, S.L., for sharing your book with us!

Don’t miss the chance to read this book!

6 thoughts on “Karen’s Killer Book Bench: DOMINIC #Workplace #Romance by S.L. Carpenter”

  1. Good morning, S.L., and welcome to Karen’s Killer Book Bench. I’m intrigued by the premise of the book and the excerpt you shared. Can’t wait to read the book. Thanks for sharing it with us today!

  2. Thank you for sharing with us. It sounds like it might be romantic suspense, which for me would be an interesting read. I’ll have to look into it, for sure.

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